Next: 2 Problems and requirements
Up: Towards a formal composition
Previous: Towards a formal composition
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines ``flexible'' as: ``that will bend without breaking, pliable, pliant; easily led, manageable; adaptable, versatile; supple, complaisant.'' Software that ``bends without breaking'' is portable (to different hardware and software platforms), interoperable (with other applications), extendible (to new functionality), configurable (to individual users' or clients' needs), and maintainable. These kinds of flexibility are currently best supported by component-oriented software technology: components, by means of abstraction, support portability, interoperability and maintainability. Extendibility and configurability are supported by different forms of binding technology, or ``glue'': application parts, or even whole applications can be created by composing software components; applications stay flexible by allowing components to be replaced or reconfigured, possibly at run-time.
Currently there is considerable experience in component technology and a lot of resources are spent in defining component models and components. However, much less effort is spent in investigating appropriate glue technology. Specialized scripting languages and 4GLs each provide different forms of glue. Glue can be either highly structured, reflecting a particular architectural style of application composition, or it may be largely unstructured. Structured glue constrains flexibility by limiting the ways in which components may be configured, but supports application maintainability and comprehension by making application architecture explicit [MDEK95]. Unstructured glue is ultimately more flexible, but at the cost of maintainability: Tcl [Ous94], for example, is a simple scripting language that is good for combining arbitrary C functions for simple configuration tasks, but it does not support programming in the large, and, if abused, can lead to large, unmaintainable scripts.
At present, there exists no general-purpose composition language that supports both application configuration through structured glue (AKA ``connectors'' [SG96]), as well as the specification of architectural styles by defining different kinds of connectors. In our view, a composition language would be a combination of an architectural description language and a scripting language and could also serve as the back end to a visual composition environment [NM95].
We are presently prototyping a composition language called PICCOLA (``Pi
Calculus-based Composition Language''), whose formal semantics is specified in
terms of the -calculus [Mil89]. In our view, a general-purpose
composition language must be formal to support reasoning about component
configurations. In particular, a composition language should support the
following features, each of which benefit from formal semantics:
So far we have been using the -calculus both as a formal specification
language for modeling objects, components, and connectors as processes and as
metaobjects and as a prototyping language. The
-calculus is admittedly
low-level, and working with it is like programming in a kind of ``concurrent
assembler.'' On the other hand, it provides the possibility of developing
higher-level abstractions which can then be used directly to model the
features of interest.
In this paper, we show problems of existing component and glue models and
discuss requirements for a general-purpose glue model. We also report on our
initial experiences in modeling components and glue with the -calculus
and describe our first steps in developing a platform (called JPICT) for
experimenting with the design of PICCOLA. We conclude with some remarks
about future work and directions.
Markus Lumpe, Jean-Guy Schneider, Oscar Nierstrasz, and Franz Achermann