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Installation of ECB for XEmacs users

For XEmacs-users it is strongly recommended to use the package-management-system of XEmacs for first-time downloading/installing ECB or for upgrading to a newer version of ECB. Here is a short guide (for details about the package-manager of XEmacs see the related info-manual):

Caution: If ECB is already installed and you just want upgrading to a newer version then it is recommended to deactivate ECB before proceeding with the steps below!

  1. Choose a download-site

    This can be done via the menu "Tools -> Packages -> Add Download Site": Choose one of the listed sites. Or you can customize the option package-get-remote by hand and save it for future sessions.

  2. Activate the packages list

    This can be done either by the menu "Tools -> Packages -> List and Install" or via the command pui-list-packages. After that a special packages-buffer is displayed where you can interactively install or upgrade packages. At the end of this buffer there is a short description how to use this buffer.

  3. Install ECB and all required packages

    Mark the package named "ecb" for install. Do this also for the required packages "semantic", "eieio" and "speedbar". The package "mail-lib" is needed for easy submitting of problem-reports to the ECB-maintainers and the package "c-support" is needed for easy using hideshow within the Methods-buffer of ECB1.

    After marking all needed packages for installation hit x to install them.

    If you have already installed ECB and you want just upgrading to the latest available version then proceed as described above - same if you want to upgrade one of the required packages.

  4. Start ECB

    Now you can immediately start ECB via the command ecb-activate; there is no need to restart XEmacs! As an alternative you can first read the online-help via ecb-show-help.

If you do not like the package-manager of XEmacs but you want installing ECB "by hand" direct from the ECB-website then you have to follow the instructions for GNU Emacs, see GNU Emacs Installation.


  1. All required packages can simply autom. marked by hitting r in the packages buffer. But this installs a lot of packages more (e.g. the Newsreader Gnus) which are really not essential for ECB. Therefore it is recommended to mark the required packages by hand.