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For some functions, there may be cases in which objects that are permitted to be modified are not modified. An lcpp-primary starting with unchanged asserts that its argument objects are not mutated (see section 6.2 Mutation). For example, unchanged(a) means that, if a were assigned in the pre-state, then it has the same abstract value in the post-state as in the pre-state (and if it were allocated but not assigned in the pre-state, then it did not become assigned in the post-state). The lcpp-primary unchanged(everything) asserts that no object is mutated. Such lcpp-primary forms can only be used in a postcondition.

For example, unchanged(t1,reach(t2)) asserts that t1 and all objects reachable from t2 are not mutated (and not deallocated).

As another example, given a specification of BankAccount (which itself includes a specification of Money), the following specification says that if in a call withdraw(x,m) the value of m is greater than the value of the credit field in the value of x, then the call has no effect.

// @(#)$Id: withdraw.lh,v 1.10 1997/07/30 04:55:02 leavens Exp $
#include "BankAccount.lh"
extern void withdraw(BankAccount& a, Money amt) throw();
//@ behavior {
//@   requires assigned(a, pre) /\ amt >= 0;
//@   modifies a^.credit;
//@   ensures if a^.credit^ >= amt
//@           then a'.credit' = a^.credit - amt
//@           else unchanged(a^.credit);
//@ }

Formally, the meaning of unchanged(store-ref-list) is given as follows. A set of type-tagged objects, UTTOs(store-ref-list), is obtained from the store-ref-list exactly as described above for the modifies-clause (see section 6.2.3 The Modifies Clause). Then unchanged(store-ref-list) denotes the conjunction, for each type-tagged object tto in UTTOs(store-ref-list), of terms of the following form (where tto.type_tag represents the LSL sort Loc[T]).

~isModified(narrow(tto.obj):Loc[T], pre, post)

In the above predicate, the trait function narrow converts an untyped object (the result of tto.obj) to a typed object of the type given by the type tag recorded in tto. The sort suffix (:Loc[T]) is included to say what overloading of narrow is desired, namely the one of from the trait TypedObj(Loc, T), where Loc, and T are from the type tag recorded in tto. This is one reason why type-tagged objects are needed, as modification is a concept defined by the notion of equality for each kind of abstract value.

For example, the postcondition of withdraw as specified above means the following.

 if a^.credit^ >= amt
 then a'.credit' = a^.credit - amt
 else ~isModified(narrow(
                  pre, post)

This can be simplified to the following, using the fact that widening and narrowing a typed object results in the same typed object.

 if a^.credit^ >= amt
 then a'.credit' = a^.credit - amt
 else ~isModified(eval(a,pre).credit, pre, post)

(The advantage of the more complex formal semantics is that it works in more general situations.)

An lcpp-primary starting with unchanged has sort Bool. See section 6.2.3 The Modifies Clause for the rules for the sorts allowed for a store-ref.

See section 6.10 Case Analysis for another example of unchanged.

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