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5.1 Initializers

In a init-declarator-list, one can specify an initial value for a variable just as in C++. The syntax for an expression, constant-expression, and assignment-expression is exactly as in C++ (see Sections 17.2 of [Ellis-Stroustrup90] and [ANSI95]), and so is not given here.

initializer ::= = constant-expression | = { initializer-list }
      | ( expression-list )
constant-expression ::= exactly as in C++
initializer-list ::= initializer-clause [ , initializer-clause ] ... [ , ]
initializer-clause ::= assignment-expression
      | { [ initializer-list ] }
assignment-expression ::= exactly as in C++
expression-list ::= expression [ , expression ] ...
expression ::= exactly as in C++

For example, one can use each of the following lines as an initializer.

= 7
= 6.5e-7
= 'c'
= "a string"

If one wishes to abstractly specify the initial value, instead of giving C++ code, then one can write a fun-spec-body to specify the value. For example, if the class IntHeap has been specified with abstract values from trait IntHeapTrait (see section 1.1 Larch-style Specifications), then one can write a declaration such as the following to specify the initialization of the variable myHeap to the abstract value add(3, (add 4, empty)).

// @(#)$Id: abstract-init.lh,v 1.1 1997/01/10 23:29:38 leavens Exp $

#include "IntHeap.lh"

IntHeap myHeap;
//@ behavior { ensures myHeap' = add(3, add(4, empty)); }

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