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Research Interests

  • Cybersecurity
    • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
    • Trust models; Attack & defense strategies
    • Information fusion & consensus
  • Wireless Networks
    • Software defined radio & Dynamic spectrum access
    • Internet of things; Ad hoc and sensor networks; 4G/5G
    • Testbed implementations
  • Network Economics
    • Pricing issues in networks
    • Game and Auction theories
  • Online Social Networks
    • Online recommender systems & rating predictions
    • Social network interactions
    • Information propagation
  • Video Delivery
    • Video transport, Quality of Experience (QoE)
    • IPTV, VoD, Streaming media

Other Experience

  • Faculty Fellow, Air Force Research Lab
  • Consultant, NEC, ITT, BAH, and AFRL
  • Research Intern, Nokia Research, 2001

Professional Activities

  • Editor: Pervasive and Mobile Comp; Computer Comm.
  • Founding Chair: ACM Workshop Mobile Video (MoVid)
  • External PhD Examiner: Canada, Norway, India, Germany
  • TPC Co-Chair: GlobeCom WoWMoM, ICCCN, ICDCN
  • TPC member: INFOCOM, DySPAN, ICC, PerCom

Honors & Awards

  • UCF Teaching Incentive Program Award (TIP), 2010, 2016
  • Best paper award, IEEE PIMRC 2011
  • US National Research Council Fellowship Award 2011
  • Best paper award, IEEE Globecom 2008
  • Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, AFOSR
  • Best dissertation award, CSE, UTA, 2002
  • Best Summer Intern, Nokia Research, Dallas, 2001