I am a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida with joint appointments in Computer Engineering and Modeling and Simulation. My research is in the area of security and privacy, and I have been recently focusing on topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, software and networked systems, internet of things and wearables, and blockchains. At UCF, I direct SEAL, where I have been fortunate to mentor several excellent students.
I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, in 2012, where I was a fellow advised by Yongdae Kim. I spent several years before and after then in the research and development industry, including working as a research engineer at ETRI (in South Korea) and as a (senior) research scientist at Verisign Labs (in Reston, Virginia).
Selected Recent Publications
Also see my DBLP and Google Scholar profiles for complete lists- ISOC NDSS 2025 A Comparative Evaluation of LLMs in Vulnerability Detection
- USENIX Sec 2024 Enhancing Network Attack Detection with Distributed and Data Collection System
- ACM CoNEXT 2024 Measuring DNS-over-HTTPS Downgrades
- IEEE S&P 2023 Three Birds with One Stone: Efficient Partitioning of Interdependent Networks
- ISOC NDSS 2023 A Robust Counting Sketch for Data Plane Intrusion Detection
- ACM CCS 2022 A Scalable and Dynamic ACL System for In-Network Defense
- IEEE VR 2022 A Keylogging Inference Attack on Air-Tapping Keyboards
- ACM CCS 2021 Revisiting Nakamoto Consensus in Asynchronous Networks
- ACM CCS 2021 SyncAttack: Double-spending in Bitcoin Without Mining Power
- ICCV 2021: Adversarial Example Detection Using Latent Neighborhood Graph
- PoPETS 2020 Multi-χ: Identifying Multiple Authors from Source Code Files
- IEEE ICDCS 2020 Detecting Adversarial Examples in Control Flow Graph-based Malware Classifiers
- IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Adversarial Learning-based Approach to Defend Against Website Fingerprinting
- EEE ICDCS 2019 Adversarial Learning Attacks on Graph-based IoT Malware Detection Systems
- IEEE DSN 2019 Where Are You Taking Me? Behavioral Analysis of Open DNS Resolvers
- ACM CCS 2018 Large-Scale and Language-Oblivious Code Authorship Identification
- ISOC NDSS 2018 ABC: Enabling Smartphone Authentication with Built-in Camera
Doctoral Advisees(1)(2)(3)

Program Manager, NVIDIA

VP Engineering, Raptore

Assoc Prof, King Khalid U.

AP, Loyola U. Chicago

AP, Wayne State U.

AP, Kyung Hee U.

Senior Researcher, ETRI

AP, U. New Mexico

Senior Researcher, X


Researcher, Meta

Researcher, Meta


AP, Taif University

AP, Inst. of Public Admin

Lecturer, Old Dominion U.

Architect, Insurity

TBD (industry)

TBD (academia)

TBD (academia)

TBD (academia)

TBD (academia)

TBD (started 2025)

TBD (started 2025)
Undergrauate Students
I am currently advising two undergraduate groups working on their senior design projects in the areas of AR/VR security (Sachin Mishra, Nolan Metcalf, Zakaria Antifit, Noah Lawton, Giullya Souza Santos, Ra'Id Naeem) and code repair with LLMs (Gavin Cruz, Vincent Lazo, Nicholas Wassom, Erik Tajti, Michael McGarvey).Recent Teaching Activities
- S'2025, CAP 6640: Natural Language Understanding
- F'2024, CAP 5150: Foundations of Computer Security and Privacy
- F'2022, CAP 5150: Foundations of Computer Security and Privacy (Sample Projects)
- F'2021, CAP 5150: Foundations Computer Security and Privacy
- S'2021, CAP 6640: Natural Language Understanding
- S'2021, CAP 5150: Foundations Computer Security and Privacy
- S'2020, CAP 6640: Natural Language Understanding
- S'2020, CAP 5150: Foundations Computer Security and Privacy
- S'2019, CAP 6640: Natural Language Understanding
- S'2019, CIS 4361: Secure Operating Systems
- F'2018, CIS 4615: Secure Software Development
- S'2018, CAP 6133: Computer Security and Computer Forensics
- F'2017, CIS 4615: Secure Software Development
Current Services: TPC: NDSS 2025. Track chair: ICDCS 2025. Editor: TDSC.
Contact: HEC 207, 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816, USA. mohaisen@ucf.edu