Tentative Class Schedule

The following is the tentative class schedule for this semester.
Date Lecture Topics Deliverables
1/7/09 Syllabus, Chapter 1
1/12/09 Chapter 2
1/14/09 Chapter 4
1/19/09 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No class)
1/21/09 Chapter 5
1/26/09 Chapter 6
1/28/09 UML lecture
2/2/09 Chapter 7
2/4/09 Chapter 8
2/9/09 Chapter 25
2/11/09 Chapter 26
2/16/09 Team Presentations Due: Deliverables I: Concept of Operations, Project Management Plan, Software Requirements Specification, Test Plan and Homework I
2/18/09 Team Presentations
2/23/09 Chapter 11
2/25/09 Exam I: (Chapters 1-2, 4-8, 25-26) + UML (use-cases, clas, and sequence diagrams)
3/2/09 Chapter 17
3/4/09 Chapter 29
3/9/09 - 3/11/09 Spring Break
3/16/09 Team Presentations Due: Deliverables II: High-level Design and Detailed Design
3/18/09 Team Presentations
3/23/09 Chapter 14
3/25/09 Chapter 22
3/30/09 Chapter 23
4/1/09 Chapter 21 Due: Homework 2
4/6/09 Mythical man-month lecture
4/8/09 Research paper presentations
4/13/09 Research paper presentations
4/15/09 Research paper presentations
4/20/09 Team Project Demos Due: Final Deliverables: Test Results, User's Manual, Source Code, Build Instructions, Project Legacy, Final Presentation, Individual Lessons Learned, Research Paper Report
4/22/09 Exam II: (Chapters 11, 14, 17, 21-23, 29 + UML + mythical man-month)


All deliverables are required to be placed in the projet websites in the day they are due and hard copies need to be handed in to the instructor at the beginning of the class period.