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Article in Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences by Dr. Shaojie Zhang and Ardalan Naseri

February 24, 2015

CS PhD student Ardalan Naseri and Associate professor Shaojie Zhang are co-authors of an article that just appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( The article describes technology that will provide a new toolkit for studying the genome in live cells and monitoring the behavior of genome in different stages of development or in human diseases. For example, using this technology could enable monitoring the development of cancers caused by genome disorders.

The significance of this publication is emphasized by an publication from the American Society for Cell Biology titled “Tweaking CRISPR to Build a Chromosomal GPS That Can Add ‘Where’ to ‘What’ in the Human Genome” (

This publication was also covered in UCF Today, which ran an explanatory article titled “Color Changes Everything: UCF Helps Develop Tool to Aid Doctors Looking for Cancer Clues” (

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