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KPARK Mobile Phone App

October 17, 2014
Dr. Gita Sukthankar’s lab developed the KPark mobile phone app, which now has more than 2,000 users. More information is available at

Congratulations to Dr. Avelino Gonzalez

September 19, 2014
Congratulations also to Dr. Avelino Gonzalez, who has a newly opened exhibit on the Turing Test at the Orlando Science Center. A piece about this aired on September 17 on Channel 35 news.

Invited Keynote Talk by Dr. Hughes

September 10, 2014
Dr. Charles Hughes will give an invited keynote talk at the “Emerging Multimedia Applications and Services for Smart Cities” Workshop, which is part of the ACM Multimedia Conference. The talk will be titled “Human Surrogates: Remote Presence for Collaboration and Education in Smart Cities”.

Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Stanley

June 30, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Stanley on receiving $472,542 in new funding from the NSF for a project titled “RI: Small: Neuroevolution of Brain-Inspired Computational Models Over Vast Timescales”.

Congratulations to Dr. Mubarak Shah

June 30, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Mubarak Shah on receiving $86,370 in new funding from the US Army Contracting Command for a project titled “Visual Analytics in Multiple Camera Networks”.

Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni

June 11, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni along with Randall Shumaker and Stephen Fiore, who received $178,200.00 from General Dynamics for a project titled “RCTA FY2014 Task H8: Social Dynamics Modeling and Simulation”.

Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha And Narsingh Deo

November 26, 2013
Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha and Narsingh Deo for receiving $2,500.00 from Georgia State University for a project titled “Department-wide Multi-course Multi-semester Multi-instructor Early Adoption of the TCPP Curriculum at the University of Central Florida”.