October 24, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Sumit Jha and his student Sunny Raj and collaborators Dr. Laura Pullum and Dr. Arvind Ramanthan at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for winning the best paper award at the Foundations of Privacy & Security FPS 2017 conference held at INRIA Nancy, France.
October 22, 2017
According to the website csrankings.org, which ranks research in Computer Science based on papers published in very prestigious and highly-selective conferences, UCF ranks 6th in the US
October 20, 2017
Congratulations to Drs. Hassan Foroosh and Mubark Shah, who were given UCF Luminary awards at a reception on October 18 in downtown Orlando. Attached is a picture of Dr. Foroosh at the award ceremony. See also http://today.ucf.edu/ucf-honors-luminary-leaders-changing-world/
October 17, 2017
Congratulations to the UCF CCDC team, and their coach and advisor, Dr. Thomas Nedorost, who won first place on October 14th in the Raymond James Capture the Flag competition.
September 27, 2017
Congratulations to UCF’s Cyber Defense Team, which captured 3rd place in the Global Cyberlympics World Finals at The Hague, Netherlands today.
September 21, 2017
Congratulations to Professor Kenneth Stanley for winning the following award from the International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL): 2017 ISAL Award for Outstanding Paper of the Decade 2002 – 2012
June 19, 2017
Congratulations to Yun Zhai & Mubarak Shah’s paper “Visual attention detection in video sequences using spatiotemporal cues” which was noted as a Classic paper from 2006 by Google Scholar, see https://goo.gl/qjRWky. This paper has 677 citations and is the 4th most cited paper in the Multimedia area of the Google Classic papers.
June 9, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on her UX Lab’s successful engagement with Bogen Inc. This was covered in the magazine “Sound and Video Contractor”. You can read the article at: http://www.mazdigital.com/webreader/49401?page=37.
May 25, 2017
Congratulations to the UCF Programming Team, “Badlands”, who solved 7 problems in the World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest and finished officially tied for 13th place in the contest! They were the best US team, and second in the North American region. An amazing performance from these Computer Science students: Timothy Buzzelli, Joshua Linge, and Alex Coleman.
May 19, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Ali Orooji, who was named as a Distinguished Faculty Member at UCF by students living in the Tower III Community. Dr. Orooji’s name will be placed on a perpetual plaque in the Tower III Community lobby.