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Congratulations to Dr. Damla Turgut

September 22, 2016
Congratulations to Dr. Damla Turgut on receiving $27,800 from Career Soft LLC for a project titled: “Alternative Methods for Peer-to-Peer Mobile Communication in a High-Latency Environment”.

Congratulations to Dr. Greg Welch

September 21, 2016
Congratulations to Dr. Greg Welch, who received a “Long Lasting Paper Impact” award at the ISMAR conference, along with Ramesh Raskar and Henry Fuchs for their 1998 “Spatial Augmented Reality” paper. This paper is the original work using computer driven projectors to augment physical objects.

CCDC Team Wins 3rd Consecutive National Title

April 24, 2016
Congratulations to our Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition team from HackUCF and their coach, Dr. Thomas Nedorost, for winning the National CCDC for the third year in a row! This is an amazing accomplishment, the first time ever in the history of the competition that a team has won three times in a row!