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World’s Top 50: UCF Programming Team

October 2, 2013
The University of Central Florida’s most-winning competitive team has returned from St. Petersburg, Russia with an impressive ranking: as the world’s 48th best computer programming team.

Best Research Poster Award

September 26, 2013
Dr. Mubarak Shah and Amir Roshan Zamir received the Best Research Poster Award from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency at the 2013 NARP Symposium for their poster titled: “Accurate Image Localization Based on Google Maps Street View.”

Joel Lehman And Kenneth O. Stanley Got Top Rated Science News Item!

September 26, 2013
Joel Lehman and Kenneth O. Stanley’s article “Evolvability Is Inevitable: Increasing Evolvability without the Pressure to Adapt” (See Article) was the top science news item at Science Daily ,which claims to be “one of the Internet’s most popular science news web sites” with 15 million page hits per month.

Best Poster Award

September 5, 2013
Xi Wang and Dr. Gita Sukthankar won the “best poster award” at the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining for their paper “Link Prediction in Multi-relational Collaboration Networks”.

Dr. Mostafa Bassiouni’s Reflection

September 4, 2013
I have a strong passion for teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in computer science and information technology. For undergraduate courses, I emphasize providing students with a good understanding of current techniques, improving their problem-solving capability, enhancing their basic computer skills, and preparing them to become part of the proficient IT workforce.

Scholarship of Teaching From a Computer Scientists Prospective.

September 4, 2013
Having won a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Award this year ,I felt it was important to reflect on SoTL as a computer scientist in the hope of providing examples of how the very definition of SoTL should continually evolve and expand.