More JavaScript Books for Your Reading Pleasure
Title Author Publisher Comment
PPK on JavaScript Peter-Paul Koch New Riders Europe's foremost JS expert gives his personal insights.
Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax Chris Heilmann Apress Yahoo's JS guru ensures you're not a beginner for long.
Pro JavaScript John Resig Apress Serious JS with the man who brought you jQuery.
Bulletproof Ajax Jeremy Keith New Riders Approachable and readable—a little masterpiece.
Ajax in Action David Crane & Eric Pascarello Manning Modern coding techniques for professional Web programmers.
Programming The World Wide Web Robert Sebesta Pearson A long standing classic - 3 JavaScript chapters, two of which deal with the DOM.

More JavaScript books for your reading pleasure
Title Author Publisher Comment
PPK on JavaScript Peter-Paul Koch New Riders Europe's foremost JS expert gives his personal insights.
Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax Chris Heilmann Apress Yahoo's JS guru ensures you're not a beginner for long.
Pro JavaScript John Resig Apress Serious JS with the man who bought you jQuery.

A Multiplication Table
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