Jonathan Bennett

Individual Progress & Activity Logs

Weekly Activity Log

11/22/2014 - 11/28/2014:
- Worked on all Deliverable #3 documents and submitted.
- Worked on bug fixes and gameplay adjustments in the game code.
- Participated in class presentation of the game
- Updated web site with documents and game files

11/15/2014 - 11/21/2014:
- Created AoE tower abilities
- Further updates to the web scoreboard.
- Attended every team meeting.
- Work on Deliverables 3.

11/08/2014 - 11/14/2014:
- Created additional sprite and background artwork.
- Created the web scoreboard functionality and database.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.
- Attended every team meeting.

10/26/2014 - 11/07/2014:
- Created templates and began work on final deliverable documents.
- Attended all team meetings and discussions, took notes.
- Discussed latest prototype with client via emails.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.
- Created new artwork, including title screen, tower and arrow sprites.

10/19/2014 - 10/25/2014:
- Worked on and finished Detailed Design document.
- Submitted Deliverable #2.
- Attended all team meetings and discussions.
- First presentation in-class.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.

10/12/2014 - 10/18/2014:
- Worked on and finished High Level Design document.
- Attended all team meetings and discussions.
- Completed homework #2, met with TA to review it.
- Tested latest prototypes.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.

10/05/2014 - 10/11/2014:
- Worked on High Level Design document.
- Worked on prototype code, added second enemy type.
- Attended all team meetings and discussions.
- Met with client to discuss next steps.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.

9/22/2014 - 10/04/2014:
- Began learning GameMaker and its programming language through books, videos and experimenting.
- Created initial Deliverable 2 documents.
- Met with client to discuss next steps.
- Posted meeting notes and updated web site.
- Attended all team meetings and discussions.

9/13/2014 - 9/21/2014:
- Helped finalize all Deliverable 1 documents (see each document for full details).
- Finished Individual Homework #1 assignment
- Attended all team meetings and discussions.

9/5/2014 - 9/12/2014:
- Finished v0.1 for Concept of Operations document.
- Attended all team and client meetings.
- Setup and modified team web pages.
- Setup v0.0 for Test Plan and Project Management Plan documents.
- Finished v0.1 for Project Management Plan.
- Revised the proposal with new details.
- Setup v0.0 for System Requirements Specifications and Concept of Operations documents.
- Setup template of individual pages for team members.
- Notified team of changes via Webcourses.

Notes / Lessons Learned / etc.


This page was last modified on October 26, 2014.