Activities Time estimate Assignments
Step 1: Setting up work environment    
1.1 Download game development software. 1 Team
1.2 Setup version control (Git). 1 Team
1.3 Acquire necessary hardware for running and testing software. 1 Team
1.4 Assigning group structure/team roles. 1 Team
Step 2: Basic team software training    
2.1 In depth development software tutorial. 3 Team
2.2 Team Git training. 2 Team
2.3 Team website acclimation. 1 Team
Step 3: Game proof of concept (prototype)    
3.1 Create basic interact able game level. 1 Remo/Ross/Tyler
3.2 Create stand-in player character on level. 1 Remo/Ross/Tyler
3.3 Add player movement. 1 Remo/Ross/Tyler
3.4 Create working camera. 1 Remo/Ross/Tyler
3.5 Add interact able objects to level. 1 Remo/Ross/Tyler
Step 4: Core game development     
4.1 Develop full featured level including textures. 4 Remo/Ross
4.2 Develop complete player and enemy character models. 4 Ross/Tyler/Adam
4.3 Develop enemy character A.I. 5 Remo/Tyler
4.4 Develop user interface for playscreen and all menus. 10 Remo/Michael/ Adam
4.5 Create a database system to support merchant system. 3 Tyler/Michael/ Horica
4.6 Develop game scoring system.  4 Ross/Horica
4.7 Develop physics/collision system. 7 Remo/Adam
4.8 Develop combat system.  7 Ross/Horica
4.9 Develop scoring system. 4 Ross/Tyler
4.10 Develop additional game levels. 9 Remo/Ross
4.11 Develop additional playable characters. 3 Remo/Ross/Adam
Step 5: Internal Testing    
5.1 Test for positive execution on mobile devices. 1 Michael
5.2 Test basic game mechanics(moving, shooting…) 2 Michael/Horica
5.3 Test for A.I. bugs. 5 Michael/Horica
5.4 Test for design concept issues. 5 Michael/Remo
5.5 Test all additional game features. 7 Michael/Remo/ Ross
Step 6: Game Polish I    
6.1 Review bug report from internal testing 2 Remo/Ross/Tyler
6.2 Identify bugs in code to be fixed 7 Remo/Ross/Tyler
6.3 Identify design problems to be changed. 7 Remo/Ross/Tyler
6.4 Polish graphics and other aesthetic features. 7 Remo/Michael/ Adam
6.5 Code refactoring and optimization. 10 Ross/Tyler
Step 7: Internal/External Testing    
7.1 Obtain outside testers. 5 Team
7.2 Release preliminary game for testers. 2 Remo
7.3 Redo full internal testing from first test stage. 10 Michael/Horica/ Remo
7.4 Obtain bug report from outside testers. 2 Michael
Step 8: Game Polish II    
8.1 Review internal bug report. 2 Remo/Ross/Tyler
8.2 Review external bug report. 2 Remo/Ross/Tyler
8.3 Evaluate and tweak graphics and other aesthetics. 5 Ross/Michael/ Adam
8.4 Locate and fix bugs from both reports. 7 Remo/Ross/Tyler
8.5 Further code optimization. 7 Ross/Tyler
8.6 Final review of game design decisions. 4 Team
Step 9: Launch