Challenge Your Friends

Detailed Design

COP4331 Processes in Object-Oriented Programming | Fall 2014 | Group 12 - Project 17


Modification history:







Alan Birmaher

Template added.



Alan Birmaher

Trace of requirements to design added.



Alan Birmaher

Overall update and clean up to the page


Team Name: The Spungos' Turbo Wallhacks

Team Members:


Issue Relevance:




Technical Difficulties Expected:


Solutions to Technical Difficulties:


Design Trade-offs:

Design Decisions and Associated Risks:

The decision to target Android devices was made primarily because of accessibility. The Challenge Your Friends app is meant to be a mobile application and the Android environment is the most accessible. Most of us on the development team have little experience in programming for the Android platform, so it is essential we take the time to learn and understand the platform. Since there are so many different Android devices, however, we must be aware of the challenges of having the app operate correctly across the different devices.

Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms in the world and thus lead to the decision to rely on Twitter for users to post and receive challenges. Much of the application relies on Twitter, so if Twitter goes down, it would bring our application down as well. This risk however is minimal since Twitter has a history of being a reliable platform. Also, we must be aware of the 140 character limit that Twitter has when challenges are created. This will be accounted for when we allow the users to make challenges by limiting the length of the challenge name.

Detailed Design Information:

Application state diagram:

Mountain View

Application UML diagram:

Mountain View

Accept challenge diagram:

Mountain View

Create challenge diagram:

Mountain View

View local challenges diagram:

Mountain View

Open application diagram:

Mountain View

Send a challenge diagram:

Mountain View

Trace of Requirements to Design:

Sequence Diagram

Software Requirements SpecificationS

Login Sequence

3.1: 1, 2, 3

3.2: 1

3.3: 1


3.8: 1

Send Challenge

3.2: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.6: 1

3.8: 1

Accept Challenge

3.2: 3, 4, 5

3.6: 1

3.8: 1

Create Challenge

3.2: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.4: 2

3.6: 1, 2

3.8: 1

View and Get Challenge

3.2: 2, 3, 4, 5

3.6: 1

Template created by G. Walton ( on October 8, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000

This page last modified by Alan Birmaher on 11/16/14.