Fast Pass Parking (FPP)

Concept of Operations

Cop 4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







Alex Gordon

First Draft



Group Effort

Second Draft






Team Name: Group 13 - Fast Pass Parking

Team Members:

Contents of this Document

The Current System

The Proposed System

The Current System

A parking lot user has a limited set of options to pay for their time used. They must either pre-purchase a ticket that is validated by an attendant on a timed basis, or park, pay for a ticket, return to their car to place the ticket in their vehicle, and then go about their business. If they ever need to change the time for parking, they must stop their current activity, return to the parking lot, and repeat the ticketing process.


The Proposed System: Needs

As an example of antiquity, Downtown Orlando has many areas for public parking, but an old and deprecated system is used to track parking payments.  This system uses a ticketing machine that guests must stand in line for to enter in an amount of time that they want to park; busy parking traffic hours lead to long waits in line, causing major inconveniences.  Once a guest has finally used the machine to pay for a spot, it prints out a time-stamped ticket, which a guest must then place back in their car in a visible spot – another inconvenience. A guest must later revisit the machine and line should they decide to stay in a parking spot longer, as there is no way to update a ticket once printed, wasting even more of their time.


The Proposed System: Users and Modes of Operation

Parking User:

Attendant - Enterprise User (Parking Lot Owner):

General Use Mobile Application:

Enterprise Use Mobile Application:


The Proposed System: Operational Scenarios

Typical Scenarios:

A user will sign up to FPP where they will enter in user information.  User information will include: Name, Email, Username, Password, License Plate, Color, Make, Model, and Credit Card Information (including Billing Address).  After the user enters their credit card information, they will be able to decide on how much money they want added to their balance.  The user will be also asked if they want this amount to be automatically added to their balance once their balance reaches $0.  Once signed up, a user will be able to sign in.  A user will continue to be signed in until they manually sign out of the application.  When they sign in to the application they will enter the main screen of the application, which will be a view of their current balance and a map, which contains geolocated polygons where companies that have endorsed FPP.  If a user clicks on a point in the map, then the application will move to a screen that shows the lot information and has the functionality to add parking time to the lot.  A user will be able to update their parking time whenever they choose to after the initial purchase of lot time.  When the user’s time left for a parking lot is running low a push notification (optional) will be sent to the user.  The user will then be able to update their parking time if they choose to.

Parking attendants will be able to sign in and begin looking up how much time is left on parking users’ accounts.  They will do this by either scanning or entering currently parked license plate numbers.  Once the license plate number is entered or scanned, a screen will show with the amount of time left on the user’s account.  If there is no time left on the account then the parking attendant can ticket the user.  If the license plate number does not match any license plate number in the database, a screen showing that the car is not registered under FPP will appear.

Atypical Scenarios:


   General User Application:

   Enterprise Application:


The Proposed System: Operational Features

Must Have:

  1. Sign in / Sign up
  2. Show user funds.
  3. Parking lot geolocation.
  4. Ability to add an amount of time for parking for a parking lot.
  5. Push notifications to notify the user when their parking time is running low.
  6. Ability to update the amount of time for parking for a parking lot.
  7. Entering in license plate numbers to check a user’s balance (enterprise).
  8. Ticketing the user (enterprise).

Would Like To Have:

  1. Scanning License Plates
  2. Lot Rating
  3. Open Lot Space
  4. Parking Permissions
  5. Analytics for Enterprise FPP


The Proposed System: Expected Impacts

The current parking system in the Orlando area is slow and inefficient.  The idea behind FPP is to expedite parking in areas that want to endorse FPP.  This will create an impact in parking systems in the greater Orlando area, and in the future, any open-spaced parking lot.  People will not have to go to machines and print out parking passes and place them in their cars anymore.  People that download FPP and have a credit/debit card will be able to enjoy the luxury of parking and walking directly to their destination without having to wait in lines to print out tickets for their car.  Users of FPP will be able to add the amount of time that they wish to park for on the fly with the push of a button.  Users of FPP will also not have to go back to their cars if they wish to update their account.  They will be able to update the amount of time they wish to park for on the application and will have the option to be notified when their parking time is almost up.  Users of FPP will be able to pay for parking faster and easier and will also be able to update the amount of time needed instantly.

Parking lot owners will benefit as well.  People are more likely to park in a parking lot that endorses FPP because people do not want to wait in lines to get parking passes from machines.  The proposition for owners is an increase in revenue should they endorse FPP because more people will come to their parking lots.  Not only will more people come but people will stay longer than they normally would because they will be able to update the amount of time they want to park for from their phones.  Most people would end up leaving if they were already walking back to their cars to have to update their time.  With FPP people will be able to update their time for parking on the fly therefore resulting in longer amounts of time parking.  The overall impact of FPP will benefit both the general user and the enterprise user in their respective ways.


The Proposed System: Analysis