FPP Backend Build Instructions

Install required applications:

Pull the most recent server code:

Install node dependencies:

Start mongodb:

Start server:

Check that the application is running:

FPP XCode Configuration

The iOS application project file is a self-contained, compilable version of the user application for Fast Pass Parking.

The project is designed to run on the latest version of XCode, 6.1 - there is no guarantee the storyboarding / provisioning systems will work on older version of the IDE.

To setup a local project:


Without a developer’s license, or an otherwise valid provisioning profile for the iOS platform, you will only be able to run the application in the free-to-use XCode iOS simulators.

The application is designed to run on only those devices utilizing iOS version 8.

Template created by G. Walton (GWalton@mail.ucf.edu) on August 30, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000.

This page last modified by <your name here> (<your e-mail address text and link here> ) on <modification date here>