Jason Braswell Work Log

09-10-2014 – 2.5 Hours

Initial group meeting

Choose project to do

09-14-2014 – 4 Hours

Worked on Deliverables #1

Determined framework and platform for application

09-19-2014 – 4 Hours

Watched tutorials on NodeJS and MongoDB

Began testing routes on Postman

09-28-2014 – 4 Hours

Group meeting

Worked on backend routes

10-05-2014 – 3 Hours

Group meeting

Worked on backend routes

10-12-2014 – 3 Hours

Group meeting

Worked on backend routes

10-19-2014 – 3 Hours

Group meeting

Worked on backend routes

10-26-2014 – 3 Hours

Group meeting

Worked on backend routes

Backend testing

11-02-2014 – 3 Hours

Group meeting

Backend testing

11-09-2014 – 2 Hours

Group meeting

Backend testing

11-16-2014 – 4 Hours

Group meeting

B2B Enterprise Application iOS development

11-20-2014 – 2.5 Hours

B2B Enterprise Application iOS development

11-21-2014 – 0.5 Hours

Presentation preparation