Online Health Monitoring System

Detailed Design:  Calendar

COP 4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







G. H. Walton




Chris Chaffin

First Revision

Team Name: Team 14

Team Members:

Contents of this Document

Design Issues

Detailed Design Information

Trace of Requirements to Design

Design Issues: 

The calendar contains all of the times and dates associated with patient’s medicine and appointments with their physician. The interface will support Google’s plug in API calendar. This choice was made to reduce development time and to use a familiar calendar scheme that is currently used by millions. Furthermore, this design decision ensures portability.

This module interacts with the database upon selecting the calendar. As with the other modules it is imperative that the load times are limited to three seconds to avoid frustration. The load times for the calendar will occur each time a new month or week is selected. In order to keep the load times less than three seconds communication between the database and the calendar must be efficient.

The design of the calendar will not allow patients to add any events to the calendar. The calendar will only be able to be managed by the doctor to avoid any accidental dosages taken by the patient. This is of the utmost importance as failure to adhere to the calendar could result in severe sickness or death.

Once the prototype is developed it will be integrated with the Database Manager. The biggest risk lies in this step. The calendar is completely dependant on communication with the database, without it the calendar has no functionality. I will have to work closely with the team to eliminate this risk.

Detailed Design Information:


Patient – In the event of a successful login the patient view the doctor’s calendar or sync their own with the doctors, which is stored in the Database

Doctor – The doctor can add events, such as an appointment, and save it to the database for a patient to view.

Database – The database calls the Google Calendar API, which communicates with the Google Calendar Database







Class Diagram






Sequence Diagram

Trace of Requirements to Design:

Item Description

Detailed Design Section

Document of Origin

Sections of Origin

Overall functionality of Calendar

Detailed Design Information

Users of Modes and Operation

Concept of Operations

Add Event

Event Sequence Diagram

Software Requirements Specification


View Calendar

Event Sequence Diagram

Software Requirements Specification



Template created by G. Walton ( on October 8, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000

This page last modified by Chris Chaffin  ( on 10/9/2014