Online Health Monitoring System

Project Management Report

COP 4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







G. H. Walton




C. N. McCue

Week 11 to Week 12 Bi-Weekly Report







Team Name: Online Health Monitoring System

Team Members:



Overall status

Planned vs Actual Expenditures

Planned vs actual for each technical progress metric

Updated PERT chart

Comments or Concerns 

Overall status

It was made clear that we should be doing code integration.  Team members worked hard on integration.  James spent much time creating wrapper functions for other team members.  Many team members discovered that there were database integration issues.  Therefore, we had to spend time researching server integration.  Our work load was much more than the planned work load.  This is a major issue that we should be able to solve this week or the next.  Major code changes had to be made.    

Planned vs Actual Expenditures

Actual expenditures were much higher than expected because of integration challenges.  This required extra research. 

*Data not available for Chris C. at time of this report.


Planned vs actual for each technical progress metric

It is estimated that a little over 67% of the project is complete to date.  We are behind on code, but the gap is being closed.  With intense coding next week we should be able to catch up.


Updated PERT chart

See Appendix W12

Comments or Concerns 

We are expecting to catch up on the code by the next report.  The code has proved to be the most challenging part of the project. 

Template created by G. Walton ( on Aug 30, 1999 and last updated Aug15, 2000

This page last modified by C. N. McCue ( on 9/13/2014