Michael Kirsche


COP 4331- Processes of Object-Oriented Development Fall 2014 Project Information


Project Name: Map Thingy

Team Web site: Root Web Page

Web Pages for Other Team Members:

Contents of this Document

Individual Weekly Time and Activity Log:

Weekly statements of individual progress and status:

9/8: Filled out concept of operations deliverable
9/29: Meet with TA to go over design and group logistics
10/6: Install Android SDK
10/13: Install Git and become familiar with commands
10/20: Learn basics of Android programming and make "Hello world" Android app
10/27: Learn more advanced Android programming (fragments, etc.) that is relevant to project
11/3: Install basic layout for directions fragment
11/10: Add back and next buttons to directions fragment
11/17: Display list of directions and make buttons switch between them, integrate with rest of project, help add polylines to map

Log of individual technical or management issues and their resolution:

Defect log

Notes, lessons learned, etc.

<Note: These are the logs from which you will determine your status on the project and calculate project metrics (for the proj mgmt reports that must be produced at least every 2 weeks ) and from which you will build your individual lessons learned paper and your project legacy document (at the end of the semester). At a minimum, you should add to each section weekly.>

Template created by G. Walton (GWalton@mail.ucf.edu) on August 15, 2000

This page last modified by Clifford Rice ( ce.rice@knights.ucf.edu) on September 10, 2014