---------------------- | Build Instructions | ---------------------- o Back-End Build Instructions 1. Download the Alpacapass source code, if you haven't already. [https://github.com/tjbergens/alpaca-service] 2. Install Python 2.7.8 [https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.8/] 2. Install Django 1.6.x [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/install/#installing-an-official-release-with-pip] 3. Install Django REST Framework [http://www.django-rest-framework.org/#installation] 4. Run 'python manage.py runserver' from the project root in a console. o Front-End Build Instructions 1. Download the ClaspUI source code 2. Import the ClaspUI source code into Eclipse by dragging the project file into your active workspace folder. 3. Run by pressing Ctrl+F11, or by clicking the green play button. 4. The backend of ClaspUI will be running at alpacapass.com for the duration of the semester. No further changes will need to be made to the source code. If you are running your own backend, the API_ENDPOINT within SessionManager will need to be changed to your API endpoint URL. o Extra Information The source code in a ZIP file, GitHub project link, and executable JAR file can also be found at this link. [http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cop4331/fall2014/cop4331-8/scode/]