
Concept of Operations

COP 4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







S. Nayee

Initial creation of Concept of Operations.



James Choi

Updated contact information for James Choi on all html pages.







Team Name: TEAM1001

Team Members: Salim Andraos, Joseph Burfield, Sachin Nayee, Carlos Pereda, Paul Purdue

Contents of this Document

The Current System

The Proposed System

The Current System

Smart Calendar is a calandar which learns your workout routine over time. It suggests what exercises to do when planning out your workouts for the week.


The Proposed System: Needs

The system currently needs
A GUI for the user to login
A GUI to interact with the system
A database with all the workout routine and gym equipment stored in it
An A.I to learn the users preferences when attending the gym


The Proposed System: Users and Modes of Operation

Classes: Login:Simple class which will take in the users username and login in order for the user to access their profile.
Profile:This class will store the users basic information.(Gender,height,weight,etc...).
Calendar:Contains the days of the month and shows days that routines are scheduled on.
Schedule:Schedule consists of individual days broken down by 30 mintute intervals where schedules workouts will be listed
Suggestions:Suggestions class contains a list of suggested workouts to add to their schedule based on the users previous choices.


The Proposed System: Operational Scenarios

User logs in:
The user logs into the system automatically by being logged into the windows environment via windows authentication. Once logged in the
user will have access to their profile,Calendar,Weekly Schedule and Suggestions created by the application.

User Accesses their profile.
Once logged in the user can visit their workout profile in order to change appropriate information. They can adjust their weight, height,
gender and other attributes pertaining to the profile class.

User Accesses their Calendar
Upon logging in the user will be able to view a full calendar of the current month. The user can select which day they would like to plan
a workout routine by simply clicking on that day. This will take them to the scheduling class for that specific day.

User adds activity to their schedule
The Schedule GUI will be show a single day broken down by 30 minute increments of time. The user will select a window of time and will be prompted
to select what workout routine they plan to do during that time frame.

User Accesses their Suggestions
After logging in the user can select the Suggestions option which will suggest to the user what workout routine they should perform on a specific day.
Some faults with this process at the moment is knowing which day the application is going to suggest a workout for. It could suggest for the current day or a future day
This is a operational scenario that has some kinks to be worked out.


The Proposed System: Operational Features

Must Have:
Access Calendar
Access Schedule
Access Suggestions
Add Workout
Delete Workout
Browse Suggestions
Add Suggested Workout

Would Like to Have:
GPS location
Add different activites outside of gym
Phone notifications
Light android app


The Proposed System: Expected Impacts

The impact of this project could be substantial depending on if the user continues to work out and track their development as they go.
This application can help people manage and plan their workouts in order to succesfully meet their goals, whether its loseing weight
or trying to gain muscles.


The Proposed System: Analysis

Expected Improvements:Better looking GUI,Smarter Suggestions, and more events to suggest

Disadvantages: The application can be only used on a windows pc, no app support right now

Limitations: The app is limited to only planning workouts and not a full day of activities

Risks: The application could potentially suggest an exercise the user is not ready for

Alternatives and Tradeoffs: There are other apps that can do the same thing as this one. But ours will be most useful to UCF students