
Test Plan

COP4331, Fall 2014


Modification history:







Carlos Pereda




Carlos Pereda

Added team contact info


Description of Test.

Overall Stopping criteria.

Description of Individual Test Cases.


Team Name: Group 9

Team Members:

Contents of this Document

1.       Introduction:

Overall Objective for Software Test Activity

Reference Documents

2.       Description of Test Environment

3.       Overall Stopping Criteria

4.       Description of Individual Test Cases


SECTION 1: Introduction

Reference Documents:


SECTION 2: Description of Test Environment

SmartCal is an application originally designed to run on a Windows platform. Keeping opened the possibilities to expand to mobile platforms (Android and IOS). Due to its versatility, easy learning curve, attractive CGI, and excellent DBMS (SQL Server) the selected software platform is C#.Net. Alpha tester will be limited to team members, but beta tester will consist of both team and non-team members.

SECTION 3: Stopping Criteria

The criteria for ‘Stop and back’ on the severity of the faults found along the way.

SECTION 4: Description of Individual Test Cases

Ø  Requirements verification.

§  Test Objective: After completion of this test; the team will be able to determine the following:

·         Requirements are clearly defined.

·         There are enough requirements to enumerate and describe the goals to achieve.

·         A requirement does not conflict with other requirements.

·         Requirements are achievable.

§  Test description: This test is not quantitative, but qualitative. Goals are achieved after team discussion. Brainstorming rather than data comparison.

§  Test condition: Is given by the input of all team members.

§  Expected Results: Once, verified the requirements are in order, the next step will be the system design. 

                                                                                 Template created by G. Walton ( on March 28, 1999 and last modified on August 15, 2000.

This page last modified by Carlos Pereda ( on September 14, 2014