
Prof. Rene Peralta
Lecture 11.
  • Review of equivalence relations.
  • State reduction technique based on the equivalence relation on a DFA of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem:
  • Two states A,B of a DFA are equivalent if the sets of strings accepted from A and B are equal.
  • If two states are equivalent under the above definition, then you can merge them in the obvious way.
  • Let L be a regular language over an alphabet Σ . Equivalence relation on Σ * :
  • Two strings u,v are equivalent if for all strings w, uw ∈ L iff vw ∈ L.
  • We will take the following as fact (i.e. we will not cover the proof):
  • the number of equivalence classes is equal to the number of states in a smallest DFA accepting L.