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Ser-Nam Lim

April 29, 2023
  Ser-Nam Lim Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Vision University of Maryland, 2006 Email Office HEC-244 E-mail Research Interests Computer Vision and Language NeuroSymbolic Professional Activities Area Chairs for CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/NEURIPS

Dirk Reiners

January 21, 2020
  Dirk Reiners Associate Professor Email Phone Office HEC-220 Phone (407) 823-2341 E-mail Home Page Research Rendering Systems for Virtual and Augmented Reality Immersive Display Systems Interactive Visualization of Large Data Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality Other Experience CTO, CG Heroes LLC, 2018- Associate Professor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2015-2019…

Wei Zhang

September 3, 2019
  Wei Zhang Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015 Email Phone Office BIO-137B Phone (407) 823-2763 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Cancer Transcriptome Biomarker Identification Post-transcriptional Regulation Drug Sensitivity Prediction Machine Learning Network-based Learning Semi-supervised Learning Reinforcement Learning Transfer Learning Other Experience Research Associate, University…

Annie Wu

September 3, 2019
  Annie S. Wu Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering University of Michigan, 1995 Email Phone Office HEC-314 Phone (407) 823-5922 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Genetic Algorithms Evolutionary Computation Complex Adaptive Systems Multi-agent Systems Machine Learning Other Experience National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate, Naval Research Laboratory,…

Sumanta Pattanaik

September 3, 2019
  Sumanta Pattanaik Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, 1993 Email Phone Office HEC-437E Phone (407) 823-3187 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Medical Volume Visualization Real-time Realistic Rendering, Material Modeling Nature Rendering Interactive Global Illumination High Dynamic Range Imaging & Display Other…

Ryan McMahan

September 3, 2019
  Ryan McMahan Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Virginia Tech, 2011 Email Phone Office HEC-433 Phone (407) 823-4994 E-mail Research Interests eXtended Reality & Training (XRT) Lab: coming soon eXtended and Virtual Reality (XR & VR) Training and Cyberlearning Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Computer Graphics Other Experience Associate Professor, University of Texas at Dallas,…

Niels da Vitoria Lobo

September 3, 2019
  Niels da Vitoria Lobo Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science University of Toronto, 1993 Email Phone Office HEC-252 Phone (407) 823-2873 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Computational Vision Object Detection in Cluttered Backgrounds Integral Image Based Curve Detection Hand and Person Detection and Tracking Active Vision and Mobile Robotics…

Damian Dechev

September 3, 2019
  Damian Dechev Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, 2009 Email Phone Office HEC-221 Phone (407) 823-2549 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Programming Techniques and Tools Multiprocessor Programming Concurrent Data Structures Verification of Concurrent Algorithms Large-scale Performance Analysis Other Experience Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore,…

Mark Heinrich

September 3, 2019
  Mark Heinrich Associate Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering Stanford University, 1999 Email Phone Office HEC 345-D Phone (407) 882-0138 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Parallel Computer Architecture Heterogeneous/GPGPU Architectures Energy-efficient architectures Cloud-based Mobile and Web Services Scalable Cache Coherence Protocols Other Experience Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator for CS/IT, 2019-present CS Senior Design…