Masters Curriculum
Graduate course descriptions in Computer Science are found online at the UCF Division of Graduate Studies online Course Catalog.

MS Degree Requirements
a) CDA 5106 and COT 5405, both with a grade of B (3.0) or better. (6 credit hours)
b) A 5000 and 6000 level pair of CS courses in a single area of discourse, both with a grade of B (3.0) or better. (6 credit hours)
c) At most 6 credit hours of non CS coursework (approval must be received from the graduate coordinator prior to registration).
d) Thesis option – 6 credit hours of Thesis (CXX 6971) and at least 24 credit hours of coursework (at most 3 of these can be Independent Study credit).
e) Non Thesis option – A portfolio submission and at least 30 credit hours of coursework (at most 6 hours of these can be Independent Study credits and/or Directed research credits).
f) A total of at least 30 semester hours of credit at the 5-6000 level of Computer Science or ECE courses (Prefixes CAP, CDA, CEN, CIS, CNT, COP, and COT). The total may include up to 6 credit hours of CS related courses from outside CS department only if approved by the graduate coordinator. At least half of these credits (15) must be at the 6000 level, and under no circumstances can they contain CXX 7919 (Doctoral Research) credit, undergraduate credit, or 5000 level CGS courses.
Application Deadlines
- Fall Priority
- January 15
- Spring
- December 1
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Plan of Study (POS)
All graduate students must have a Plan of Study (POS) on file, approved by the advisor and graduate coordinator, by the completion of 9 credit hours after entering the program. This is mandatory! The College of Graduate Studies automatically places a “hold” on future registration for non-compliance. The default advisor for non-thesis MS students is the Graduate Coordinator.
Explore Further
Deadlines for submission of the POS are October 15 for Fall semester and March 15 for Spring semester.
Students must maintain a minimum of 3.0 for each course on his or her final POS, as well as 3.0 GPA for all coursework taken since entering the program.
No course can be on a plan of study with a grade below 2.0. At most two courses can have a grade below 3.0. No coursework can appear on a POS that is more than 7 years old at the time of graduation.
The POS can, and usually will, be revised later to reflect changes in the courses actually taken, but it is crucial that a POS be on file, signed by the student and the faculty advisor, and approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator. Any variation from the POS must be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator and then immediately reflected in an updated POS.

Synopsis/Time Line
- Admission into the MS program
- File an initial Plan of Study (by the 9th credit hour)
- Decide between the Thesis and Non Thesis Options
- Obtain a thesis advisor/committee
- Complete coursework
- Prepare and submit Portfolio
- 6 hours of thesis (Cxx 6971)
- Write and defend thesis
Transfer of Credit
Students, with the approval of their advisor and the graduate coordinator, can transfer up to 9 credit hours, of B grade (3.0) or better, in graduate coursework (no Independent Study/Thesis credit) from another program at UCF or from an regionally accredited institution. This must appear on the initial POS submitted by the student within their first 9 credit hours in the CS graduate program.
The mechanics of transferring coursework must begin early in the first semester in order that the process is completed by the 9th credit hour. See the Graduate Secretary for details.
In no case can courses with a grade below a B (3.0) be transferred, nor can undergraduate credit.

Accelerated BS to MS – Computer Science
UCF provides an opportunity for its Computer Science (CS) undergraduates to earn their Bachelors and Masters Degrees (BS – MS) in five years and, where appropriate, the Ph.D. in an additional two to three years. This is achieved by allowing students to dual count 12 credit hours of 5000- or 6000-level courses with B or better grades towards both the BS and MS requirements in CS.
For more information about the BS to MS Program, please visit:
Graduate Contact Info
Questions and Appointments
Jeanine Clements
Phone: (407) 882-2313
Advising and Approval
Dr. Wei Zhang
Phone: (407) 823-2638