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Kevin Moran

June 29, 2023
  Kevin Moran Assistant Professor Ph.D., Computer Science William & Mary, 2018 Email Phone Office HEC-217A Phone (407) 823-5239 E-mail Personal Page Lab Page Sage Research Lab Research Interests Software engineering Software security Machine learning Software evolution and maintenance Professional Activities Member of IEEE, ACM and SIGSOFT Honors & Awards Cisco Advanced Security…

Paul Gazzillo

September 3, 2019
  Paul Gazzillo Assistant Professor Ph.D., Computer Science New York University, 2016 Email Phone Office HEC-239 Phone (407) 823-5239 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Programming languages and compilers Program analysis Language design Software engineering Build and configuration systems Analysis of highly-configurable software Software security Side-channel attack detection and mitigation Blockchain smart contracts Professional…

Damian Dechev

September 3, 2019
  Damian Dechev Associate Professor Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, 2009 Email Phone Office HEC-221 Phone (407) 823-2549 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Programming Techniques and Tools Multiprocessor Programming Concurrent Data Structures Verification of Concurrent Algorithms Large-scale Performance Analysis Other Experience Senior Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore,…

Kien A. Hua

September 3, 2019
  Kien A. Hua Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 1987 Email Phone Office HEC-229 Phone (407) 823-5342 E-mail Home Page Research Page Research Interests Data Management Image and Video Retrieval, Internet of Things Event-based Database Management Systems for Live Multimedia Computing Mobile Computing Data Analysis Multidimensional Data…

Cliff Zou

September 3, 2019
  Cliff Zou Professor Ph.D., Electrical And Computer Engineering University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2005 Email Phone Office HEC-243 Phone (407) 823-5015 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Computer and Network Security Network Modeling and Performance Evaluation Professional Activities Program Co-chair: WNS(2006), Malware(2010), CSS(2011) Session Chair: WORM (2006), SecureComm (2008), Malware (2008),…

Damla Turgut

September 3, 2019
  Damla Turgut Professor Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering University of Texas at Arlington, 2002 Email Phone Office HEC-316 Phone (407) 823-6171 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Wireless networks Value of information (VoI) Ad hoc, sensor, underwater & vehicular networks Internet of Things (IoT) Value of information & Augmented…

Liqiang Wang

September 3, 2019
  Liqiang Wang Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Stony Brook University, 2006 Email Phone Office HEC-437E Phone (407) 823-3187 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Big Data, Cloud Computing, and High-Performance Computing Performance and Scalability Optimization Big Data Analytics Machine Learning AI Security Robustness and Resilience Distributed Machine Learning Program Analysis Concurrency Error Detection Software…

Gary T. Leavens

September 3, 2019
  Gary T. Leavens Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989 Email Phone Office HEC-329 Phone (407) 823-4758 E-mail Homepage Research page ARGIS Research Research Interests Formal Methods in Software Engineering Specification of OO software components Design of JML (see Theory of behavioral subtyping and specification inheritance.…