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Research Interests

  • Data Management
    • Image and Video Retrieval, Internet of Things
    • Event-based Database Management Systems for Live Multimedia Computing
    • Mobile Computing
  • Data Analysis
    • Multidimensional Data Analytics
    • Neural Networks for Music Generation
    • Social Media Analytics
    • Medical Imaging
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Data Communications
    • Video Communications
    • Wireless Communications

Other Experience

  • Advisory Engineer and Lead Architect of a Parallel Computer Project, IBM Mid-Hudson Laboratories
  • NASA domain expert in space port technology

Professional Activities

  • Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, and International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies.
  • Conference Chair, Track Chair, Program Vice Chair, Technical Program Committee Member of numerous IEEE and ACM Conferences
  • Over 300 refereed publications

Honors & Awards

  • IEEE Fellow
  • 15 Top/Best Paper Recognitions at international conferences and one paper of the year at a journal
  • Best Presenter Awards at an international conference
  • UCF College of Engineering & Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer
  • UCF Teaching Incentive Awards (three times)
  • UCF Research Incentive Award