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Research Interests

  • Big Data, Cloud Computing, and High-Performance Computing
    • Performance and Scalability Optimization
    • Big Data Analytics
  • Machine Learning
    • AI Security
    • Robustness and Resilience
    • Distributed Machine Learning
  • Program Analysis
    • Concurrency Error Detection
    • Software Resilience

Other Experience

  • Visiting Research Scientist (Sabbatical Leave), IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, 2012 -2013
  • Professor (Associate, Assistant), Computer Science, University of Wyoming, 2006 – 2015

Professional Activities

  • Chair, the 15th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive, Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2017, 2018)
  • Doctoral Symposium Chair, the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E)
  • Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Scientific Workflows and Big Data Sciences (SWF). 2010-2014
  • Track Chair, IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, ICWS 2017
  • Senior TPC Member, IEEE BigData 2014, 2017-2019
  • Guest Editor: Journal of Security and Communication Networks.
  • NSF Committee on Software Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Computing, 2016, 2017
  • Panel Reviewer: NSF, NASA, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong

Honors & Awards

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE CyberSciTech, 2018
  • UCF Mid-Career Award, 2020
  • Castagne Faculty Fellowship Award, 2013-2015
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2011
  • NSF TeraGrid Fellowship, 2009
  • Best Paper Award, IBM Verification Conference, 2005