Research Interests
- Programming languages and compilers
- Program analysis
- Language design
- Software engineering
- Build and configuration systems
- Analysis of highly-configurable software
- Software security
- Side-channel attack detection and mitigation
- Blockchain smart contracts
Professional Activities
- Program committee (MODEVAR 2019, SPLC Challenge 2018)
- NSF Panelist (2019)
- Artifact Evaluation Committee (OOPSLA 2018, POPL 2018)
Honors & Awards
- NSF CAREER Award (2020)
- NYU MacCracken Fellowship (2014-2015)
- NYU Matthew Smosna Prize (2012)
- ACM SIGPLAN Research Highlight (2012)
- PI, NSF grant “CAREER: Inferring and Securing Software Configurations through Automated Reasoning”, 2020–2025.
- PI, NSF grant “SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Static Analysis Infrastructure for Variability-Aware Bug Detection and Translation of Highly-Configurable Software Systems”, 2018-2021.