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UCF Programming Team Competing in World Finals

June 24, 2014
The UCF Programming Team will compete Wednesday against 121 teams in the World Finals. UCF advanced to the World Finals after placing first in the Southeast Regional Contest.

Who’s Your Daddy? UCF Students Program Computer to Find Out

June 20, 2014
Students in the Center for Research in Computer Vision have developed a facial recognition tool that promises to be useful in rapidly matching pictures of children with their biological parents and in potentially identifying photos of missing children as they age.

Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni

June 11, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni along with Randall Shumaker and Stephen Fiore, who received $178,200.00 from General Dynamics for a project titled “RCTA FY2014 Task H8: Social Dynamics Modeling and Simulation”.

Congratulations to Dr. Sumit Jha

May 28, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Sumit Jha on receiving $14,306 in new funding from NVIDIA Corp. for a project titled “The UCF Computer Science CUDA Teaching Laboratory for Core Courses”.

Congratulations to Arun Kulshreshth And Dr. Joseph LaViola

May 2, 2014
Congratulations to Arun Kulshreshth and Dr. Joseph LaViola for having their paper, “Exploring the Usefulness of Finger-Based 3D Gesture Menu Selection”, receive a SIGCHI 2014 Best of CHI Honorable Mention Award (top 5% of all submission to CHI 2014). This was out of over 2000 submissions.

Congratulations to Dr. Mubarak Shah

April 28, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Mubarak Shah for receiving new funding in the amount of $275,000.00 from SRI International for a project titled “Sarnoff: Content Extraction for IARPA Aladdin Program”.

UCF Founders Day 2014

April 3, 2014
Congratulations to the following faculty who received recognition at UCF’s 2014 Founders Day Convocation: