December 17, 2015
UCF’s Cyber Defense Team scores another victory to wrap up the 2015 calendar year. Four members of the Collegiate Cyber Defense Club @ UCF (aka Hack@UCF) won the Panoply Hackathon competition at ALM’s CyberSecure Conference in NYC on December 15th and 16th.
December 11, 2015
Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha and Narsingh Deo for receiving at total of $5,208.00 from NVIDIA (and $9,098.00 in matching funds from CS) for a project titled “The UCF Computer Science CUDA Teaching Laboratory for Core Courses”.
December 11, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Stanley for receiving $10,000.00 plus $22,000.00 from Soar Technology, Inc. for a project titled “Soar Tech HyperNEAT Collaboration (DoD STTR Phase I)”.
December 11, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Gary T. Leavens for receiving $320,000.00 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a project
December 11, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Hassan Foroosh for receiving $6,561.00 from UCF/I-4 for a project titled “FHTC: Rapid Automated 3D Terrain Modeling from Airborne Data”.
December 11, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola for receiving of $75,000.00 from UCF/I-4 for a project titled “FHTC: Physics Based Multi-Touch Movement Interface Creation for 3D Modeling and Simulation, Phase II”.
November 21, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Lotzi Boloni for receiving $150,311.20 in new funding from the NSF for a project titled “CHS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Social Learning in Mixed Human-Robot Groups for People with Disabilities” (joint with Drs. Behal, Hancock, and Maboudou)
November 21, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Sumanta Pattanaik on receiving $101,912 from the NSF for a project titled “CGV: Medium: Collaborative Research: A Unified Approach to Material Appearance Modeling”.
November 21, 2015
Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha and Narsingh Deo for a grant of $2,500 from Georgia State University for a project titled “Adoption of Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Platforms in the CS Curriculum at University of Central Florida”.
November 21, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Haiyan (Nancy) Hu for receiving $416,456 from the NSF for a project titled “ABI Innovation: Computational Analysis of microRNA Binding”.