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Congratulations to the UCF Programming Team

November 15, 2015
Congratulations to the UCF Programming Team for their strong performance at the ACM Southeast Regional Programming Contest that was held on Saturday, November 14th.

National Cyber Analyst Challenge

November 13, 2015
Members of the UCF Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team met with Congressman John Mica at the US Capitol last Thursday morning.

CSI Cyberseed Competition

November 2, 2015
Congratulations to members of the UCF Collegiate Cyber Defense Club for outstanding participation in the CSI CyberSEED Competition. Of the 32 schools that participated, UCF’s team finished 1st in Capture the Flag, 1st in Social Engineering, and 2nd in Internet of Things.

Congratulations to Dr. Kien Hua

October 14, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Kien Hua on receiving $130,000 in new funding from NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) for a project titled “Tabletop: A Multimedia Communication System for Efficient Team Management and Collaboration”.

Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola

October 8, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola who, with Steve Fiore (IST/Philosophy) received $260K from the Office of Naval Research for a project titled: “Interactive Visualization In Support Of Decision Making Under Uncertainty”.

Dr. Kenneth Stanley Speaks About His New Book

October 7, 2015
Dr. Kenneth Stanley gave a talk on his new book, Why Greatness Cannot be Planned: The Myth of the Objective, at the TTI/Vanguard conference in Washington DC, September 30, 2015.