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UCF Computer Science Professor to Be Inducted to the XR Hall of Fame

May 2, 2024
  Virtual reality pioneer Carolina Cruz-Neira, Agere Chair Professor at the UCF Department of Computer Science, has been inducted into the inaugural Augmented World Expo (AWE) XR Hall of Fame. With her induction, she joins an elite international group of 100 researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, advocates and others selected for building the augmented reality and virtual…

UCF Student Awarded $25,000 Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award for VR, AR Research

December 8, 2023
Computer science doctoral student Esteban Segarra ’22MS is one of only five recipients of this year’s award, which will help support his work to leverage video games for real-world solutions. By Bel Huston | December 8, 2023 UCF computer science student Esteban Segarra ’22MS has been selected for the 2023 Google-Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Dissertation Award,…