Entertainment Engineering Thread in the MS Program
The Computer Science MS program provides an Entertainment Engineering thread in cooperation with the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA) for students interested in specializing in computer games related areas. Students in this specialization have the same two required courses (CDA 5106 Advanced Computer Architecture I, and COT 5405 Design and Analysis of Algorithms), but must choose the required course pair from a restricted set. The choices are:
• CAP 5419 and CAP 6835 (Computer Vision sequence) or
• CAP 5610 and CAP 6616 (Machine Learning sequence) or
• CAP 5725 and CAP 6701 (Computer Graphics sequence)
Additionally, students must undertake 6 credits of project work with FIEA taken in spring/summer. These 6 credit hours will replace the independent study hours for a non-thesis option student. All other requirements of Computer Science MS program remain equally applicable.
For more information, please view the Graduate Handbook.