CAP6135: Malware and Software Vulnerability Analysis
(Spring 2011)

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Term Project Phase I:  Proposal

    We are going to let all face-to-face students to present their term project proposal on Mar. 3rd in class. In addition, I will show online students' term project proposal slides in class as many as possible. Each project group should submit one copy through webcourse of their project proposal.


    Please submit your Powerpoint presentation slides of your project proposal. There is no need to submit a report in this stage. Online students (students in Section 0V61) must include their presentation speech text in each page of their proposal slides since they cannot give oral presentation in class.
    This submission is
due Mar. 2nd 11:59pm by webcourse.
    This proposal submission is considered as one part of the term project.

   Your proposal presentation slides should take you talk about 5 to 7 minutes to finish. It should contain:

    1. Clearly identify what security research topic you are going to do,
    2. How you are going to conduct research on the topic,
    3. What is the final outcome you plan to achieve for your project.