Function Implementation
Compiler Implementation
COP-3402 COP-3402

What are functions?

How do functions implement local state?

Application Binary Interface (ABI)

Binary (machine code) conventions for implementing functions


  • Stack frame layout
    • Parameters
    • Return address
    • Base pointer
    • Locals
  • Parameter passing
  • Return values

System/architecture specific ABIs

System V AMD64 ABI


Eli Bendersky, Stack frame layout on x86 64

  • Specific to System V (many *nix systems)
  • Specific to AMD64 (x86 64) instruction set architecture (ISA)

Calling convention example

# assembly file metadata
        .file "stdin"
        .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
# function label
        .globl main
        .type main, @function
# prologue (update base pointer, save rbx)
        pushq	%rbp
        movq	%rsp, %rbp
        push	%rbx
call	func
# set return value
        mov	$10, %rax
# epilogue (restore stack pointer, restore base pointer)
  pop %rbx
        mov	%rbp, %rsp
        pop	%rbp

Stack frame management


Show what happens to the stack and register states changes after each instruction.

        # prologue
        pushq	%rbp # save old base ponter
        movq	%rsp, %rbp # set new base pointer
        push	%rbx # %rbx is callee-saved
  # call
        call func
  # return value
        mov	$10, %rax
        # epilogue
  pop %rbx # restore rbx for the caller
        mov	%rbp, %rsp # restore old stack pointer
        pop	%rbp # restore old base pointer
        # prologue
        pushq	%rbp # save old base ponter
        movq	%rsp, %rbp # set new base pointer
        push	%rbx # %rbx is callee-saved
        # return value
        mov	$5, %rax
        # epilogue
  pop %rbx # restore rbx for the caller
        mov	%rbp, %rsp # restore old stack pointer
        pop	%rbp # restore old base pointer

Language processing review

Syntax trees

  • Explicit names for syntactic constructs, e.g.,
    • Arithmetic expression
    • For-loop
    • etc.

Language implementation

  • Tree traversal
  • Apply rules to translate/interpret
    • One for each syntactic construct

Infix-to-postfix translator

Assume we have string concat function to join any number of strings.

E -> E + E  { E.value = concat(E1.value, E2.value, "+") }
E -> E - E  { E.value = concat(E1.value, E2.value, "-") }
E -> E * E  { E.value = concat(E1.value, E2.value, "*") }
E -> E / E  { E.value = concat(E1.value, E2.value, "/") }
E -> N      { E.value = N.value }
N -> 0      { N.value = "0" }
N -> 1      { N.value = "1" }
N -> 2      { N.value = "2" }
N -> 9      { N.value = "9" }

Note that we no longer need to convert ascii to a machine integer, since we can just print the output program in ascii as well.

CodeGen with an ANTLR Listener

Syntax tree for SimpleIR


  • Draw tree for

    function main
    phonyvar := call func
    return 10

# assembly file metadata (enterUnit)
        .file "stdin"
        .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
# function label (enterFunction)
        .globl main
        .type main, @function
# prologue (enterFunction)
        pushq	%rbp
        movq	%rsp, %rbp
        push	%rbx
# enterCall
        call	func
# set return value (enterReturn)
        mov	$10, %rax
# epilogue (exitFunction)
  pop %rbx
        mov	%rbp, %rsp
        pop	%rbp

Note that the return statement doesn't call return. That's done in/after the epilogue. Return sets the value of the return register, i.e., %rax.


  • Generate file pseudo-ops
  • (Given for the project)


  • Generate function label
  • Generate prologue


  • Generate function call


  • Generate epilogue (and return instruction)

Code generation


  • Use syntax tree for main.ir
  • Apply

Example: enterUnit

  • Function writes out assembly code


  • Remember: we are writing a translator not trying to run the IR
  • Code generator prints out strings (self.outfile.write("..."))
  • Use the text from the input program to fill in assembly language templates (ctx.NAME())
  • The grammar gives names to the parts of the syntax tree

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-11-12 Tue 08:08
