Hello Project


In this project you will create a "hello, world!\n" program. It might sound easy, but the catch is you will need to create it using the command-line development workflow shown in class that we'll be using for all projects in the class, including the editor (vim or emacs), build system (make), and version control (git) for submission.

Creating the "hello, world!\n" program with vim or emacs

Using either vim or emacs in eustis, record yourself using script (see instructions below) writing, compiling, and running a hello world program in C, i.e., a program that uses printf to write "hello, world!\n" to the console.

  1. ssh into eustis, replacing NID with your UCF NID.

    ssh NID@eustis.eecs.ucf.edu
  2. Create and enter a directory for your program.

    mkdir hello; cd hello

    Be sure you are emitting "hello, world!\n".

  3. Start recording:

    script -T hello.timing hello.script
  4. Use vim or emacs to create a hello world program called hello.c, then compile it and run it.

    emacs hello.c


    vim hello.c
  5. Stop recording.


    or Ctrl-D on an empty command prompt.


You can verify on your own that your recording works by replaying it yourself:

scriptreplay hello.timing hello.script 2

The 2 is optional and will replay it at 2x speed. You can use a higher number as well to replay faster. Use Ctrl-C to stop playback.

Creating a Makefile

Review resources for writing Makefiles:

Then create a Makefile for your project:

  1. In your hello/ folder, create and edit a file called Makefile in emacs or vim.
  2. Write a Makefile that will build your "hello, world!\n" program when running make.
  3. Add a clean target that will remove the generated program, but not the source code!


  • Makefile targets must use tab indentation not spaces
  • The first target in the file is the default run by make
  • Use .PHONY targets when the target is not a real file


The following sequence should delete, rebuild, and run your "hello, world!\n" program.

make clean

Submitting your program via git

Review resources for using git:

Configure git with your name, UCF email, and editor (emacs or vim), for example (substituting your own information):

git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
git config --global core.editor emacs

Create your repo and submit your project:

  1. In your hello/ folder, create the repo. Only do this once for the entire project.

    git init
  2. Create a .gitignore file to tell git to ignore generated files and commit it as well.
    • Use git status to confirm that files have either been committed or ignore.
  3. Use git add and git commit to add all the necessary files to your repo.

    Files to add:

    • .gitignore
    • hello.c
    • Makefile
    • hello.timing
    • hello.script

    Do not use git add . or git commit -a or git commit -m. Instead, list explicitly the names of the files to git add and write the commit message in your editor when it pops up.

    You can use ls -a to show hidden files, which have a . as their first character, like .gitignore. They will not show up by default with ls.

    To make sure only the necessary files are submitted (and not binaries), add the names of the binary file(s) to .gitignore (one per line). For emacs users, you can also add *~ (asterisk tilde) to the .gitignore to ignore emacs backup files.

  4. Add the URL of your personal remote repository, replacing NID with your UCF NID.

    git remote add submission gitolite3@eustis3.eecs.ucf.edu:cop3402/NID/hello
  5. Synchronize your local repo with the remote eustis3 repo.

    git push --set-upstream submission master

    Note that --set-upstream only needs to used for the first push. Subsequent pushes can be done with just git push.


  • git status shows nothing.
  • All generated files are in .gitignore.
  • Clone, build, and run the program in a separate directory, for instance (replacing NID with your UCF NID).

    # go to home directory
    cd ~
    # make a fresh clone, give any new directory name
    git clone gitolite3@eustis3.eecs.ucf.edu:cop3402/NID/hello hello_new
    # enter the fresh clone's directory (whatever you put as the directory name above)
    cd hello_new
    # double-check that only the five required files are submitted
    ls -a
    # you should see your five files, plus ~.git~, ~.~, and ~..~
    # make sure make works correctly (and builds the ~hello~ program)
    # make sure ~hello~ runs correctly (it should output ~hello, world!~ on its own line)
    # make sure ~make clean~ works (it should remove the any binaries, like ~hello~)
    make clean
    # make sure ~make~ and ~./hello~ still work after clean
    # make sure .gitignore is setup properly and ~hello~ is not listed as untracked
    git status
    # make sure your terminal recording works
    scriptreplay hello.timing hello.script 2
    # double-check that only the five required files are submitted another way
    git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD


  • If you make a mistake in typing the URL, you can remove the submission remote and try the add step again:

    git remote rm submission
    git remote add submission gitolite3@eustis3.eecs.ucf.edu:cop3402/NID/hello  # replace NID with yours
  • Do not try creating a new repo if you make a mistake. You will not be able to push the new repo to gitolite3, since there already is one there. You can always make new changes and commit them to fix mistakes.
  • If in self-check hello_new already exists, just use a fresh directory name.
  • If you add a file that you do not want in the repo, e.g., the hello program binary, then you can remove it with

    git rm hello
    git commit
    # enter the commit message
    git push # to record the change in the remote grading repo

Grading schema

Criterion Points
The git repo exists 1
The repo contains only the required five files 1
.gitignore works correctly 1
The replay shows using vim or emacs to code 1
The Makefile works correctly 1
The program runs correctly 1

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-09-24 Tue 22:10
