
Go through the complete tutorial for emacs or vim (or optionally both). Each should be about 30 minutes or so. See the table below for the command to enter in eustis in order to start the tutorial for either editors. Also listed is how quit the editor and a cheat sheet of common commands.

Editor Tutorial How to quit Cheat Sheet
emacs emacs -f help-with-tutorial Ctrl-X Ctrl-C GNU Emacs Reference Card
vim vimtutor :q A Great Vim Cheat Sheet

Once you have completed the tutorial, please respond to the following questions:

  1. Which editor(s) did you choose?
  2. Why did you choose your editor(s)?
  3. How long did the tutorial take you?
  4. How difficult was the tutorial on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most difficult?
  5. What surprised you about the editor's interface?

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-08-26 Mon 10:03
