(2) System Tools
COP-3402, Spring 2024

Table of Contents


  • Great programmers know their tools
  • Command-line exposes powerful, fast tools
  • We'll cover
    • Basic shell commands
    • Navigating the file system
    • Processes
    • Useful utilities
    • git
    • gcc
    • make

Command-line crash course

  • Follow along with vagrant

Command-line basics

cd ~/
ls -l
ls -latrh
cd /vagrant
cd ~/
echo "hello world" > newfile.txt
cat newfile.txt
echo "hello world" | cat
tac newfile.txt
less newfile.txt # q to quit

More basics

mkdir newdir
touch emptyfile.txt
cd newdir
cd ../
cd ~/
rmdir newdir
rm newdir/empty
rmdir newdir
mkdir targetdir
cp emptyfile.txt targetdir
ls -R
ls targetdir/
touch filetomove.txt
mv filetomove.txt targetdir
ls -R
cd targetdir
mv filetomove.txt ../
cd ../
ls -R


ls <tab><tab>n<tab>
touch none.txt
ls <tab><tab>n<tab><tab>o<tab>

Directory hierarchy

tree # to show hierarchy
ls /<tab><tab>v<tab><tab>
cd subdir
# absolute vs relative paths
cd ../ # parent dir
cd ./ # current dir
ls ./ # current dir
cat ./newfile.txt # same as cat newfile.txt
ls -la

Standard I/O and redirection

ls > lsoutput.txt
gcc -o printer printer.c  # fprintf(stdout/stderr)
./printer > out  # ./printer 1> out
./printer 2> err
./printer > out 2> err
./print >out 2>&1


  • Redirections stdio between processes (instead of just files)
cat file
cat file | grep "hello"
cat file | grep "hello" | cut c2-


ps -aux
ps -aux | grep paul
echo $?

Useful tools


man cat
man atoi
man -a exec




tar -cvf packagename.tar file1 file2
tar -tvf packagename.tar
tar -xvf packagename.tar


  • nano, emacs, vim


  • Show differences between text files


  • Show raw bytes of a file

wget and curl

dos2unix and unix2dos

git tutorial


  1. Enter your virtual machine, which should have been setup according to these instructions

    cd cop3402spring24
    vagrant ssh
  2. Create the ssh key

    ssh-keygen -b 4096
    # can just hit enter a few times for an empty password, but generally adding a password is a good idea
  3. View your public key (be sure to have the .pub extension or you will reveal your private key!)

    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub  # .pub is important!
  4. Add your public key to github according to their directions
  5. Configure git with your name and email, replacing "Your Name" with your name and "youremail@yourdomain.com" with your the email address you use for GitHub.

    git config --global user.name "Your Name"
    git config --global user.email "youremail@yourdomain.com"
  6. Add the key to your ssh key manager (optional, but avoids prompt for ssh key password)

    eval $(keychain --eval)  # add to keychain
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    If keychain fails to run, then be sure your virtual machine has been provisioned

  7. Clone your repository into the mapped vagrant folder

    cd /vagrant

    Clone your repository (replacing USERNAME with your GitHub user name). If this is your first time connecting with GitHub, it will ask you to confirm that server key matches GitHub's server key. If your keys are setup properly, you should see this succeed without error.

    git clone git@github.com:cop3402/toy-compiler-1-USERNAME.git # github username

    Enter your repository directory:

    cd toy-compiler-1-USERNAME


git status # check what files have been modified or are not yet added
git add filetoadd # only needed if file hasn't been added yet
git commit filetocommit  # enter a commit message in the editor
git log # see your new commit in the log
git push # sync your local and remote repos

Example submission of the parser.c file

git add parser.c
git commit parser.c
# write a commit message in the editor that opens
git push

How programs get executed

From source to an executable

  • Preprocessor: file.c -> file.i
  • Compiler: file.i -> file.asm
  • Assembler: file.asm -> file.o
  • Linker: file.o, libraries -> file.exe


Preprocessor (cpp)

cpp -o file.i file.c

Compiler (gcc)

gcc -S -O0 hello.c
file hello.s


  • Preprocessor: file.c -> file.i
  • Compiler: file.i -> file.asm
  • Assembler: file.asm -> file.o
  • Linker: file.o, libraries -> file.exe

From an executable to a running process

  • Loader: file.exe -> running process in RAM

Kernel in a nutshell

  • Hardware access protection (processor, mem, I/O)
    • No (intentional) direct access to hardware
  • Library of system calls (syscalls) for applications
  • Resource management among running programs
    • Processes, illusion of simultaneous execution

Interacting with the kernel

  • Use an agreed-on binary file format, e.g., ELF for *nix
  • Provide the location of the first thing to run: _start by convention for C
  • Use the exec-family and exit syscalls to start and stop our program

Many details left for an OS course

  • Dynamic linking
  • Signals
  • I/O
  • Memory management
  • Process management

Loader (exec syscall)

  • Brings binary file into memory
  • Begins execution
  • Can take argc/argv, environment variables, pass along to process
  • Sets up file, I/O
(exec ./hello.exe)

The C runtime (crt)

  • Defines entrypoint _start
  • crt sets up: signals, stdio, args (from loader), exit code (syscall)
  • Calls main, passing argc/argv
  • Takes main's return value passes it to the exit syscall
    • This is why main has a return value
    • The

https://web.archive.org/web/20230321203036/https://wiki.osdev.org/How_kernel,_compiler,_and_C_library_work_together https://web.archive.org/web/20230411170432/https://wiki.osdev.org/Creating_a_C_Library


  • Compiler toolchain: file.c -> file.exe
  • Loader: file.exe -> running process in RAM

Separate compilation

  • Multiple .c files
  • Compile/assemble each to .o files
  • Link into single executable
  • (Diagram of several C source files)
    • Symbol table


  • .o files symbol tables have missing entries
  • Linker resolves missing entries
gcc -c caller.c
gcc -c callee.c
objdump -t caller.o
objdump -t callee.o
gcc -c main.c
objdump -t main.o
gcc -o main.exe main.o caller.o callee.o # link
objdump -t main.exe
readelf -a caller.o
readelf -a main.exe

Header files: organizing multiple .c files

  • Header file has no implementation (by convention)
  • Just provides function signature for callers
  • Compiler/assembly create table of (missing) symbols
  • Linker matches callers/callees
  • The preprocessor copies in header declarations


Moving common declarations of external functions to a .h file.

Makefiles: automating the build process

  • Stores dependencies between files
    • e.g., .c files create .o files
  • Finds valid order of builds
  • Faster recompilation: only those .c files that change
  • Useful for complex projects
    • We'll use tools that generate C programs


  • Conventions: all, clean (phony)
  • built-in rules
  • (Diagram) dependency graph
SRC := \
        caller.c \
        callee.c \

OBJ := $(SRC:%.c=%.o)

.PHONY: all clean

all: main

main: $(OBJ)
        gcc -o $@ $^

%.o: %.c
        gcc -c $@ $<

        rm -f $(OBJ) main

wrap up by adding our separate compilation program to git


  • We seen
    • Lots of shell commands
    • git usage
    • gcc and make
    • C project organization

Additional Resources

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-02-12 Mon 14:21
