Personal projects; paper reading
Lecture 19
Questions on compiler project?
What special topics should we cover?
Tentative list
- Compiler optimizations
- Local optimizations (within a function)
- Global optimizations
- Verification and correctness
- Program analysis
- Analyzing control flow
- Analyzing data flow
- How bug finders work
- Software security
- My lab's research
Paper reading crash course
Big three things to look out for
- Problem: what's the problem and why is it important?
- Solution: what's the solution and how is it new and different?
- Contributions: what are the contributions and limitations?
Paper summaries
- Write up a one paragraph summary of the paper
- The paragraph should include
- A one sentence summary
- Key strengths and weaknesses
- Something that is important to you
- This will be filled out as the special topics section progresses
Author: Paul Gazzillo
Created: 2022-03-23 Wed 12:08