Classes and objects IV
Lecture 16
Table of Contents
Questions about the last class?
What is the difference between virtual and non-virtual functions?
Quiz Discussion
Semantic rules
cd ::= class c { d* } // class declaration cd ::= impl c { f* } // class implementation t ::= int // integer type | bool // boolean type | string // string type | (t+) -> t // function type | class c // class type n ::= x // simple name | n . x // qualified name s ::= init x ; | delete x ; // denotational semantics [[ class c { d* } ]] ::= struct c { [[ d* ]](c) }; [[ impl c { f+ } ]] ::= [[ f+ ]](c) [[ init x ; ]] ::= x = malloc(sizeof(* x)); [[ initFuncs(x) ]] [[ delete x ; ]] ::= free(x); [[ d ]](c) ::= type.getFieldType(d.ID, c) ; [[ f ]](c) ::= f.returnType.getDeclarationType(mangleDefName(c, f.IO)) ( struct c * this [[ arg* ]] ) { [[ d* ]] [[ st* ]] } [[ arg ]] ::= , scope.getSymbol(arg.ID).getReferenceType(arg.ID)
Initializing function pointers
initFuncs(x) { type = scope.getTypeAnyScope(x) className = classScope = scope.getScopeAny(className) for each symbol in classScope if classScope.symbols.get(symbol).key() == Type.Kind.FUNCTION emit( x -> symbol = mangleDefName(className, symbol) ; ) scope.getScopeAny().symbols.keySet() }
COOL is another illustration of the semantics of an object-oriented language.
Implementing the semantic rules
(3.5 weeks)
Implement the ClassC extension to SimpleC, i.e., the type-checker extension and the code generation extension.
- Skeleton
- Includes complete type checker and code generator
Getting the skeleton
Be sure to unzip the tarfile in the root of your existing repo. It depends on having access to the original Grammar.g4.
# from the parent of your project folder wget cd project-NAME tar -xvf ../classc.tar ./ git add src/classc git commit -m "Added classc skeleton"
References to keep on hand
- Keep open the following while implementing the type checker
- The ClassC grammar extension (Grammar.g4)
- The type rules
- The semantics