Project setup (Setup)
Compiler Project

  1. Create your project in GitHub Classroom (see webcourses for the invite link)
  2. (Optional, but recommended) Create a virtual machine to work on the compiler project
  3. Clone your repository, which should look like


    where `USERNAME` is your GitHub username. Do not make the code public or store in your personal or other github organization.

  4. Follow the "One-time setup" instructions in the README.md.

    Note if you shut down your machine, you will need to reconfigure your environment. From the root of your source directory, run

    source .env/bin/activate
    export CLASSPATH=$PWD/lib/antlr-4.13.1-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH
  5. Test your setup by running `compiler tests/fact.while`. Here is what the terminal log should look like, though USERNAME should be your own GitHub username.

    (.env) vagrant@ubuntu2204:/vagrant/compiler-project-USERNAME$ compiler tests/fact.while
    INFO:root:writing tests/fact.s
  6. In webcourses, answer "yes" if you had successfully set it up.
  7. Reach out on Ed Discussions (see webcourses for the invite link) if you have issues with any of the steps above.

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-03-01 Fri 07:54
