Code Generation
COP-5621, Spring 2024

Table of Contents

X86 assembly primer (AT&T style)


  • Immediate: $1
  • Register: %rax
  • Memory: 0xdeadbeef
  • Register indirect (pointers): (%rbp)
    • %rbp is a register that holds an address
  • Register indirect plus offset: -32(%rbp)
    • Get value at address in %rbp minus 32 bytes


Order of operands

AT&T syntax puts destination second, e.g., to move contents of %rbx to %rax, use

movq %rbx, %rax

Ordering for arithmetic

AT&T syntax makes addition look odd:

add %rbx, %rax

Consequences to subtraction

if %rbx is 2 and %rax is 0, what is the state of the machine after?

sub %rbx, %rax

Move immediate

movq	$1, -24(%rbp)

Load from memory

mov	-24(%rbp), %rax

Store to memory

mov	%rax, -8(%rbp)

Are there cases where we don't need to variable values back to memory?


mov	-8(%rbp), %rax
mov	-40(%rbp), %rbx
add	%rbx, %rax

How can we reduce need to load from memory?


sub	%rbx, %rax


imul	%rbx, %rax


mov	-32(%rbp), %rax
mov	-16(%rbp), %rbx
idiv	%rbx

Unconditional branch

jmp is the unconditional branch. It takes an address or a label, which the assembly uses to compute the branch offset. Labels can be placed before other assembly code, e.g., .BB2 below.

        jmp	.BB2
   # more assembly code

How can we reduce need for calls to branch?

Conditional branch

No explicit Boolean value. Instead stored in flag register. cmp is effectively subtraction without the result. The result of each operation sets flag registers

cmp	$0, %rax
jl	.BB3

What jump conditions do we need for While2Addr?



jl and je (only < and = in while3addr)

our compiler already converted all comparisons to those two operators


Memory layout

Code generation overview

  • Recall: compiler takes source language and produces target language
    • Translate, not execute
  • Generates equivalent program in assembly
    • Each language construct has corresponding assembly code patterns

Assembly file layout

  • data
    • Fixed size, global data section (bss section is zeroed out)
  • rodata
    • Immutable data, e.g., for string constants
  • text
    • Executable part


What about local variables, malloc'ed data?

  • Local variables and heap-allocated variables are stored in memory allocated at runtime
  • Running program (process) works with the OS to be allocated memory as needed at load and runtime

Function implementation

How do functions work?

  • Caller transfers control to callee function
  • Caller provides input values
  • Callee provides output value(s)
  • Execution resumes in caller once callee is finished

Function calls "freeze" state of caller


  • (Diagram)

How would you implement this with just assembly?

  • Save state on stack
  • Unconditional branch
  • Save return value
  • Another branch to go back to where we left off

"Nested" function calls freeze state of many callees

  • (Diagram)

Can think of recursive functions as invokes a fresh instance of the function, rather than calling itself.

Stack frame (or activiation record)

  • Holds all information needed to "freeze" state of function
    • Parameters and local variables
    • Return address
    • Caller's stack frame (nested calls)

Parameter passing

  • Registers and/or stack
  • Registers are faster, but limited in number
  • May need to save them before making call

Application binary interface (ABI)

  • Calling conventions and stack frame layout
    • How to pass parameters
    • Layout of data in the stack frame
    • How to return values
    • Caller and callee responsbilities
  • Architecture- and OS-dependent

Intel x86-64 support for functions

  • %rbp - base pointer points to the current function's stack frame
  • %rsp - stack pointer points to the top of the stack
  • push/pop - push to and pop from the stack (move data and update %rsp)
  • call - saves next instruction address (%rip) onto stack and branches to function's address
  • ret - pops the caller's next instruction address and branches to it

Recall that "points to" just means that the register holds an address

Writing and calling ABI-compatible functions

  • Function definition
    • Prologue
    • Epilogue
  • Function call
    • Parameter passing
    • Return value
# https://github.com/longld/peda
# for C compile with -g for debug symbols
# run gdb
gdb example
b main # break at main
si # step instruction, assembly instructions (intead of code)
info file # get address of rodata
x/8xb 0x0000555555556000 # print memory, 8 he(x) (b)ytes
x/i addr # print as instruction

# dump symtab
objdump -s test

Our compiler's runtime

How can we handle inparam and outparam?

One approach: use scanf and printf (many other ways)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int64_t input_int64_t() {
  int64_t x;
  scanf("%ld", &x);
  return x;

void output_int64_t(int64_t x) {
  printf("%ld\n", x);

Given to you in compiler-project/runtime

Using runtime/io.c

Always link with it (so generated code can call it)

Insert calls into generated code

Assembly for input

# initialize return value from input_int64_t
movl 	$0, %eax
# call returns to %rax
call	input_int64_t@PLT
# save return value to inparam
movq	%rax, -56(%rbp)

Assembly for output

# call to output_int64_t
# get outparam
movq	-48(%rbp), %rax
# %rdi is the first function argument
movq	%rax, %rdi
call	output_int64_t@PLT

Implementing main function for While3Addr


Allocates 80 bytes of stack space for local variables

# prologue, save old base pointer, update stack pointer
pushq	%rbp
movq	%rsp, %rbp
# allocate space for stack local variables
subq	$80, %rsp

How can we reduce the stack space needed?


Pop local variables, restore caller's stack frame, set return value

# set main's return value
movl	$0, %eax
# epilogue, restore stack pointer, restore old base pointer
mov	%rbp, %rsp
pop	%rbp

Full example: codegen_while


outparam := 1;
while inparam > 1 do begin
inparam := inparam - 1;
outparam := outparam * inparam


0: _t0 := 1
1: outparam := _t0
2: _t1 := 1
3: _t3 := _t1 - inparam
4: if _t3 < 0 goto 7
5: _t2 := 0
6: goto 8
7: _t2 := 1
8: if _t2 = 0 goto 15
9: _t4 := 1
10: _t5 := inparam - _t4
11: inparam := _t5
12: _t6 := outparam * inparam
13: outparam := _t6
14: goto 2


        .file "stdin"
        .globl main
        .type main, @function
        # prologue, save old base pointer, update stack pointer
        pushq	%rbp
        movq	%rsp, %rbp
        # allocate space for stack local variables
        subq	$96, %rsp
        # prepare args to input_int64_t
        movl 	$0, %eax
        # call returns to %rax
        call	input_int64_t@PLT
        # save return value to inparam
        movq	%rax, -72(%rbp)
        jmp	.BB1
        movq	$1, -32(%rbp)
        mov	-32(%rbp), %rax
        mov	%rax, -64(%rbp)
        jmp	.BB2
        movq	$1, -48(%rbp)
        mov	-48(%rbp), %rax
        mov	-72(%rbp), %rbx
        sub	%rbx, %rax
        mov	%rax, -40(%rbp)
        mov	-40(%rbp), %rax
        cmp	$0, %rax
        jl	.BB4
        jmp	.BB3
        movq	$0, -24(%rbp)
        jmp	.BB5
        movq	$1, -24(%rbp)
        jmp	.BB5
        mov	-24(%rbp), %rax
        cmp	$0, %rax
        je	.BB7
        jmp	.BB6
        movq	$1, -56(%rbp)
        mov	-72(%rbp), %rax
        mov	-56(%rbp), %rbx
        sub	%rbx, %rax
        mov	%rax, -16(%rbp)
        mov	-16(%rbp), %rax
        mov	%rax, -72(%rbp)
        mov	-64(%rbp), %rax
        mov	-72(%rbp), %rbx
        imul	%rbx, %rax
        mov	%rax, -8(%rbp)
        mov	-8(%rbp), %rax
        mov	%rax, -64(%rbp)
        jmp	.BB2
        # call to output_int64_t
        # get outparam
        movq	-64(%rbp), %rax
        # %rdi is the first function argument
        movq	%rax, %rdi
        call	output_int64_t@PLT
        # set main's return value
        movl	$0, %eax
        # epilogue, restore stack pointer, restore old base pointer
        mov	%rbp, %rsp
        pop	%rbp


Block ordering

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-03-11 Mon 14:51
