COP-5621, Spring 2024

Read the following paper by the listed due date, which is the date that we will be discussing the paper. Reading summaries due before class (by 2:59pm) on the due date, submitted on webcourses.

Due Title and Link
03/25 SuperC: Parsing All of C by Taming the Preprocessor
04/01 Semantic Analysis of Macro Usage for Portability
04/08 Finding Broken Linux Configuration Specifications by Statically Analyzing the Kconfig Language
04/15 Kmax: Finding All Configurations of Kbuild Makefiles Statically
04/22 Maximizing Patch Coverage for Testing of Highly-Configurable Software without Exploding Build Times

Paper Reading and Summary Guidelines

When reading the papers, keep the follow questions in mind for class discussion:

  • What is the problem and why does it matter?
  • What is the solution and how is it new/different?
  • What are the contributions and limitations?

For the summary of each paper, write one concise review paragraph:

  • A one sentence summary
  • Key strengths and weaknesses
  • Something that is important to you

(Adapted from Robert Grimm's Honors OS course.)

Please see these links for more advice on reading and reviewing academic papers.

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2024-03-13 Wed 14:17
