

  • High level goal: processing text
  • Symbols vs. meaning
  • Formal language definitions
  • Parallels between formal languages and computation
  • Finite state automata and regular languages
  • Regular expressions
  • Deterministics vs. non-deterministic finite automata (DFAs vs. NFAs)
  • Compiling regular expressions to NFAs
  • NFA to DFA conversion

Big picture view of a compiler

  • Input: program source code
  • Output: machine code

Compiler vs. interpreter





Interpreter (with source)


Compiler (with source)


Compiler phases


  • Language-processing
    • Remember regexes, grammar from discrete? (If you took it)
  • Type checking
    • Did I assign an array to a float?


  • Code generation
    • Equivalent machine code for any valid input program
  • Optimization
    • Choose equivalent machine code that's faster, smaller, etc.


  • Intermediate code
    • Like machine code
    • Without machine specifics
    • Lots of different designs

Symbols vs. meaning

1 + 2 * 3

6 / 2(1 + 2)


What gives symbols meaning?

  • the compiler itself defines meaning
  • defines input language in terms of output language
  • (why does output language have meaning?)

ASCII vs. machine code

Formal languages


  • A (potentially) infinite set of
    • finite strings
    • from a finite alphabet of symbols

Defining languages

  • Concatenating strings
  • Joining sets

A toy example

  • Alphabet: "a" and "b"
  • Language: one a followed by any number of b's

a's and b's

Matched parentheses

(^n )^n

Binary numbers

Hex numbers



Kleene closure

Regular expressions

String pattern matching

  • phone numbers
  • email addresses
  • programming language tokens

How would you write this program?

  • Search for an email address in a text file?



  • Area code is three digits


  • A digit is either a 0, 1, 2, .., 9

Parentheses are just used to make order of operations explicit, just like in arithmetic


  • Any number of characters before the @ sign

Optional elements

  • E.g., country code

Wild cards

  • Allow any character (or some subset of characters)

Regular expression language

  1. concatenation, e.g., ab
  2. alternation, e.g., a|b
  3. Kleene closure, e.g., a*

The order of operations, from highest to lowest, is Kleene closure, concatenation, and alternation.

One way to remember order of operations, is that alternation is like addition or logical or, concatenation is like multiplication or logical and, and Kleene closure is like exponentiation.

Regular expressions in practice

Matching against regular expressions

  • Given an expression (ab|d)*
  • Can hand-write a program for specific regular expression
  • But we can also automate their generation

Finite automata

  • States and transitions between states
  • Example: turnstile


By N/D - Link CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=131513928

Turnstile automaton

  • Turnstile states: locked and unlocked
  • Turnstile transitions: push and coin
  • Transition move from state to state
    • E.g., coin causes unlock, push reutrns to locked


By Chetvorno - Link - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20269475

Finite state automata are a model of computation

  • Corresponds to regular languages
    • Any regular expression can be recognized by a finite automaton and vice-versa
  • AKA
    • Finite state machines, Finite automaton, State machine

Here's our first abstract machine model

Takeaway here: if we can frame the problem we want to solve as a finite statement machine, then we already have a language, regular expressions, to write a solution in.

Instead of trying to create a de novo algorithm, we can map the problem into the abstract problem of finite state transitions or regular language pattern matching.

Chomsky hierarchy


By J. Finkelstein - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9405226

Chomsky hierarchy table

Equivalence between language and computation

Language Computation
Regular Finite automata, regex
Context-free Parsers, push-down automata (PDA)
Context-sensitive Parsers, non-deterministic PDAs
Recursively enumerable Turing machine
  • Regular languages
    • finite automata, regular expressions
  • Context-free languages
    • Syntactic structures Parsers, push-down automata
  • Context-sensitive
    • Syntax depends on surrounding contet
    • (Fancier) parsers, non-deterministic push-down automata
  • Recursively enumerable
    • Recognized by a Turing machine

Benefits of abstract computational models

  • Matching regular expressions is solved
  • Map your problem to a regular expression
  • Use an existing tool to compute solutions for you

Researchers have spent time automation the solution to this abstract problem, so that you don't have to repeat it.

Just like a compiler takes a programming language and translates it to assembly, a regular expression.

Then you can frame your problem as a regular expression, write it, and a regular expression compiler will turn this into code for you.

Applications of finite state machines

  • Traffic lights
  • Turnstiles
  • Vending machines
  • Lexers

String pattern matching is equivalent to many automation tasks

Examples from gaming

Abstract machine model

  • Formal language: potentially infinite set of strings
  • Each string drawn from a finite alphabet
  • Each string element itself is finite

Definition of automata

  • Finite alphabet of symbols (like regular languages)
  • Finite set of states
  • State transition function
  • Initial state and final state(s)

Graphical representation with state diagrams

  • States: circles
  • Transitions: labeled arrows
  • Starting state: in-arrow
  • Accepting states: doubled circles

Example: identifiers

  • Letters and digits are character classes
    • Makes drawing easier
  • "other" is all characters besides lettersdigits
    • Represents teh decision based on a lookahead
    • Matches longest identifier sequence


More complex automaton: numbers

  • What kinds of numbers can be represented here?
  • What is an equivalent regular expression?


Nondeterministic vs. Deterministic

  • Deterministic: one state at a time
  • Nondeterministic: mulitples states at once
    • Same symbol, multiple transitions
    • Epsilon (empty string) transitions




Demo: diagrams

  • L(L|D)*
  • (a|b)*abb
  • aa*|bb*


motivate using NFAs and \(\epsilon\) to make it easier to try multiple possibilities

attempt to construct intuitively, then see systematic method next

Transition tables

  • Can use table instead of diagram
  • Convenient for implementation
  • DFAs vs. NFAs


Demo: transition tables

  • L(L|D)*
  • (a|b)*abb
  • aa*|bb*

do a table driven version of (a|b)(a|b)*

one column per letter of the alphabet

one row per state

In our compiler

  • Use finite state machines to automate lexing
  • One regular expression per token
  • flex compiles regular expressions to a C program
  • Output recognizes tokens matching the regular expressions

Automate lexing by generating automata

  • Specific tokens via regular expressions
  • Existing algorithm to convert regx to automata
    • This is what flex does
  • Two methods
    • Simulate an NFA
    • Convert an NFA to a DFA (subset construction)

Convert via subset construction

  • NFA can be multiple states at once
  • Finite automata means finite number
  • Key observation: there are finite number of combinations of NFA states
    • How many subsets of states are there in a finite set?

The powerset tell us how many combinations of finite states that are possible.

Translate each regex in order of operations

  • Convert each subexpression to an NFA
  • Combine NFAs for each subexpression
  • Each regex operation corresponds to an NFA template
    • Concatenation
    • Alternation
    • Kleene closure





Kleene closure


NFA example


Demo: converting regex to NFA

  • (a|b)*abb
  • aa*|bb*
  • ((a|bc)b)*

(a | b)*abb

much easier with NFAs

Construct DFA from an NFA systematically

  • Each DFA state created from subset of NFA states
    • NFA can be multiple states at once
  • "Simulate" being in multiple states using a single state
  • The multiple states are a subset of the NFA states
  • Create the DFA by calling each subset a single DFA state

Sketch of the subset construction algorithm

  • Start at the NFA's starting state
  • Group all states reachable by \(\epsilon\) (epsilon)
    • This is the $ε$-closure/
    • Call this group of the states the initial state
  • For each symbol s in the alphabet (which is finite)
    • Get all state that s transitions to
    • Find the $ε$-closure of those states
    • Call this group of states one DFA state
  • Repeat for all combinations states and symbols
  • Stop when all are covered

Demo: converting NFA to DFA

  • (a|b)*abb
  • aa*|bb*
  • ((a|bc)b)*




  • We can automatically generate lexers
  • Regular expressions correspond to automata
    • Implemented with transitions tables, if statements, etc.
  • Simpler to generate NFAs from regular expressions
  • Subset construction to convert NFA to DFA
    • Alternative: simulate an NFA

Author: Paul Gazzillo

Created: 2025-01-08 Wed 16:08
