Class description: | Modern processor design, instruction-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, data-level parallelism, memory hierarchy, and I/O. |
Instructor: | Dr. Lotzi Bölöni |
Office: | HEC - 319 |
Phone: | (407) 243-8256 (on last resort) |
E-mail: | (preferred means of communication) |
Grader: | Nahal Norouzi - |
Web Site: |
The assignments and the other announcements will be posted on the course web site |
Classroom: | HEC 0117 |
Class Hours: | Mon, Wed 6:00PM - 7:15PM |
Office Hours: | Mon, Wed 4:30PM - 6:15PM |
Pre-requisites: | EEL 4768C or equivalent undergraduate computer organization class |
Textbook: | Hennessy and Patterson: Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach 5th edition |
Grading: | Homeworks: 25%, Quizzes: 5% Midterm 1: 20%, Midterm 2: 20%, Final: 30%. Grading formula: HW = (HW1 + HW2 + HW3 + ...+ HWn) / n Q = (Q1 + ... + Qn) / n Overall = 0.25 * HW + 0.05 * Q + 0.2 * M1 + 0.2 * M2 + 0.3 * FHW2, M2 etc are exactly the number you got, so if you got 112, that is what you put in. Standard 90/80/70/60 scale will be used for final grades (curved if necessary). All the exams are open book, open notes. |
Integrity: | The department, college, and University are committed to
honesty and integrity in all academic matters. We do not tolerate
academic misconduct by students in any form, including cheating,
plagiarism and commercial use of academic materials. Please consult
the Golden Rule
Handbook for the procedures which will be applied. |
Verification of engagement: | As of Fall 2014, all faculty members are required to
document students' academic activity at the beginning of each
course. In order to document that you began this course, please
complete the following academic activity by the end of the first
week of classes, or as soon as possible after adding the course,
but no later than August 27. Failure to do so will result in a
delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. To satisfy this requirement, you must finish the first quiz posted online. Log in to Webcourses, choose CAP 5636, and submit your answers online. |
Date |
Topic |
Lecture Notes, Readings, Homeworks |
Mon, Aug 22 |
Basics: Computer organization
Review-01 - Computer organization and performance |
Wed, Aug 24 |
Basics: Instruction sets
Review-02 - Instruction sets |
Mon, Aug 29 |
Wed, Aug 31 |
Basics: Processor architecture |
Review-03 - Processor architecture |
Mon, Sep. 5 |
Labor day - no class |
Wed, Sept. 7 |
Basics: Processor pipelining |
Mon, Sept. 12 |
Basics: Pipeline hazards |
Wed, Sept. 14 | Basics: Memory hierarchies |
Review-04 - Memory hierarchies |
Mon, Sept. 19 |
Memory hierarchies cont'd |
Wed, Sept. 21 |
Memory hierarchies cont'd |
Mon, Sept. 26 |
Basics: Virtual memory |
Wed, Sept. 28 |
Midterm exam review |
Homework 1 - due October 12 |
Mon, Oct. 3 |
Midterm |
Wed, Oct. 5 |
Cancelled because of Hurricane Matthew |
Mon, Oct. 10 |
Wed, Oct. 12 |
Memory and cache optimization |
[slides] Memory optimizations |
Mon, Oct. 17 |
Memory and cache optimization - cont'd |
Wed, Oct. 19 |
Instruction-level parallelism |
Instruction-level parallelism |
Mon, Oct. 24 |
Instruction-level parallelism - cont'd |
Wed, Oct. 26 |
Data-level parallelism |
[slides] Data-level parallelism |
Mon, Oct. 31 |
Data-level parallelism - cont'd |
Wed, Nov. 1 |
Thread-level parallelism |
[slides] Thread-level parallelism |
Mon, Nov. 7 |
Thread-level parallelism - cont'd |
Wed, Nov. 9 |
Midterm 2 |
Mon, Nov. 14 |
Thread level parallelism - cont'd | [homework]
Homework 2 - due Nov 28 |
Wed, Nov. 16 |
Request level parallelism The architecture of data centers Introduction to cloud computing |
[slides] Cloud Computing |
Mon, Nov. 21 |
Cloud computing models Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing Map-Reduce and its implications |
Homework 3 - due Dec 3 [slides] MapReduce - the paradigm [slides] MapReduce - examples [slides] MapReduce - scheduling [slides] MapReduce - fault tolerance [slides] MapReduce - scheduling queues |
Wed, Nov. 23 |
Request level parallelism VMs, Containers, Kubernetes Micro-service architectures |
Mon, Nov. 28 |
Request level parallelism Serverless models, Amazon Lambda |
Wed, Nov. 30 |
Review for the exam |
Final exam Wednesday, December 07, 2016, 4:00 PM - 6:50 PM |