Class description: | Operating systems structure. Process management. Process scheduling. Memory Management. Virtual memory. I/O system. Performance Evaluation. |
Instructor: | Dr. Lotzi Bölöni |
Graders: |
Ramya Pradhan Gunavardhan Darimidi |
Office: | HEC - 319 |
Phone: | (407) 243-8256 (on last resort) |
E-mail: | (preferred means of communication) |
Web Site: |
The assignments and the other announcements will be posted on the course web site |
Classroom: | Visual Arts Building - VAB 0132 |
Class Hours: | Monday, Wednesday 6:00pm - 7:15pm |
Office Hours: | Monday, Wednesday 7:30pm - 9:00pm |
Pre-requisites: | Some programming experience, general familiarity with computer organization and operating systems (as a user). |
Textbook: | Operating Systems Concepts Essentials, 2011 edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg Gagne |
Grading: |
Homeworks: 25%, Quizzes: 5%
Midterm 1: 20%, Midterm 2: 20%, Final: 30%. Grading formula: HW = (HW1 + HW2 + HW3 + ...+ HWn) / n Q = (Q1 + ... + Qn) / n Overall = 0.25 * HW + 0.05 * Q + 0.2 * M1 + 0.2 * M2 + 0.3 * FHW2, M2 etc are exactly the number you got, so if you got 112, that is what you put in. Standard 90/80/70/60 scale will be used for final grades (curved if necessary). All the exams are open book, open notes. |
Integrity: |
All the quizzes, homeworks, and exams are individual work. The division, college, and University are committed to honesty and integrity in all academic matters. We do not tolerate academic misconduct by students in any form, including cheating, plagiarism and commercial use of academic materials. Please consult the Golden Rule Handbook for the procedures which will be applied. |
Lecture Notes, Readings, Homeworks
Jan. 7
Class organization
Introduction: a history of operating systems |
[slides] Introduction to operating systems
Jan. 9
-introduction (cont'd)
Jan. 14
Operating system structures
[slides] Operating system structures
Jan. 16
-OS structures (cont'd)
Jan. 21
Martin Luther King day
Jan. 23
[slides] Processes
Jan. 28 |
[reading] Josh Aas: Understanding the Linux CPU Scheduler
[homework] Homework 1 [sample] How to tokenize a string for a shell. [reading] Fork, exec, system [reading] Very gentle intro to the Linux command line [reading] How to compile a C/C++ program from the command line [slides] Threads |
Jan. 30
Processor scheduling
[slides] Processor scheduling
Feb. 4
Process synchronization
[slides] Process synchronization
Feb. 6
-process synchronization (cont'd)
Feb. 11
Review for midterm exam
Feb. 13
Midterm exam 1: Introduction and processes
Feb. 18
Main memory
[slides] Main memory
Feb. 20
-main memory (cont'd)
Feb. 25
Virtual memory
[slides] Virtual memory
Homework 1 due (extended). Submit the homework at Webcourses2 ("Canvas"). If you need more time, due to special circumstances, email me. |
Feb. 27
-Virtual memory (cont'd)
Mar. 4
Spring break
Mar. 6
Spring break
Mar. 11
File systems
[slides] File systems
Mar. 13
-file systems (cont'd)
Mar. 18
File system implementation
[slides] File system implementation [homework] Homework 2 [code] Starting code for HW2. |
Mar. 20
Mass storage systems
[slides] Mass storage systems
Mar. 25
Midterm exam 2 - Memory and storage
Mar. 27
[slides] Protection
Apr. 1
-protection (cont'd)
Apr. 3
Case study: Microsoft Windows 7 / Windows 8
[slides] Case study: Windows
Apr. 8
Case study: Linux
[slides] Case study: Linux
Apr. 10
Case study: Android OS
Apr. 15
Review for the final exam
Apr. 17
Review for the final exam
Apr. 22
Review for the final exam
Wednesday, April 24, 4:00 - 6:50pm Final exam |